When building a new plugin project, the download speed is very slow
Is there any way to solve it, in China
Hi, It's because there is no CDN for these maven repos in China.
Instead, you can try another way, using the localPath property, this way there will be no need to download a big IDEA package again. Just install an IDEA in the Toolbox App, and then referer to
The path to the locally installed IDE distribution that should be used to build the plugin. Using the
allows to build the plugin using an IDE that is not available in IntelliJ Platform Artifacts Repositories.String
Windows: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\JetBrains\Toolbox\apps\IDEA-U\ch-0\211.7142.45
macOS: /Applications/Android Studio 4.2 Preview.app/Contents (note /Contents suffix)
Linux: /home/user/idea-IC-181.4445.78
A sample here: