Sam Hulick

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创建于 How to change colors in search results, project file list?
How do I change the colors of the text in the left and bottom panes? It's pretty much unreadable. (see image) -
创建于 WebStorm sluggish while typing?
I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing sluggishness while typing. I'm on a 2010 Mac Pro, so it's not my machine for sure! -
创建于 Bug in WebStorm 10.0.4, Mac OS
In 10.0.4 on Mac, on the welcome screen, you can no longer delete recent projects. Mousing over them used to reveal an "X" to the right that you could click. That's gone now. -
创建于 Quote closing not working with jQuery multiple selectors
See animated GIF below (might have to click to view). Writing something like $('#item1') works fine, but it has trouble with $('#item1, #item2'). -
创建于 WebStorm not reloading code if edited outside IDE
For some reason, WebStorm is being kind of bad about reloading the code view if the file has been changed outside WebStorm. I have to forcibly do a "Reload From Disk". But sometimes it reloads thou... -
创建于 Faster way to surround a block of HTML with tags, and auto indent?
Right now if I want to surround a block fo HTML with a DIV for example, it takes two steps. I have to wrap the code, and then select it and reformat.I'm wondering if there's a faster way than this:... -
创建于 How to access jQuery/Bootstrap/etc definitions in Meteor?
Since Meteor apps don't use typical script elements to load jQuery, Bootstrap, etc, how can I include these in the IDE so that when I use things like:$('#location').modal('show');It doesn't underli... -
创建于 Any way to convert single line of HTML into multiline?
Is there any quick key command to convert code like this:<div><p>Hello.</p></div>to this:<div> <p> Hello. </p></div> -
创建于 Bug - Javascript function parens spacing
Even though I have "function declaration parentheses" disabled, my Javascript still gets formatted like this:something('arg', function () {when it should be:something('arg', function() { -
创建于 CoffeeScript bugs in WebStorm 10
There are a couple bugs in WebStorm 10 with regards to CoffeeScript. Including:"Unused parameter" warnings which are incorrect, for example:Meteor.publish 'locations', (city) -> return Locations.f...