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whyphilip 创建了一个帖子, 已回答Project setup
I upgraded to 2023.3 and my project setup reverted, as though IntelliJ threw away the config I had before and reimported. I honestly don't remember exactly how I had it set up, but seems like a goo... -
whyphilip 创建了一个帖子, 已回答Neo4j/CQL files confused with SQL
I have a project that has many Neo4j cypher query language (CQL) files. Intellij has them marked as SQL files and does not offer a CQL dialect, so it's throwing tens of thousands of errors. I'm run... -
whyphilip 创建了一个帖子, Atlassian JIRA plugin finally broke?
A couple years ago Atlassian pulled support for all their IDE integration plugins. Recently, I discovered I can't pull down JIRA issues to IntelliJ. I've changed nothing on my end, but I'm using th... -
whyphilip 创建了一个帖子, git unstash missing files
Using IntelliJ 13.1.4, I did a git stash on my project and it saved 4 files. 2 were newly created (green font). When I view the stash, I see all 4, but when I apply the stash, the 2 new files don't...