Daniel Fatkic

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- 订阅数 26
Daniel Fatkic 创建了一个帖子, Plugin Works in IntelliJ IDEA but not in PHPSTORM
Hi, i'm trying to create a plugin for phpstorm but even the simplest stuff doesn't work.This is my current project just to get familiar with the system : https://github.com/ragtek/ideaplaygroundI'm... -
Daniel Fatkic 创建了一个帖子, Use own settings inside macro/external tool
I want to "fix" this problem http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WI-18573 with my pluginCan i access my variables from http://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/IDEADEV/Persisting+State+of+Components... -
Daniel Fatkic 创建了一个帖子, Creating Custom Language Support with Grammar Kit
Where can i find more informations to the grammar kit https://github.com/JetBrains/Grammar-Kit ?I've followed http://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/IDEADEV/Developing+Custom+Language+Plugins+for+... -
Daniel Fatkic 创建了一个帖子, change parent php class (for autocomplete)
Anybody knows, if it's possible to create a plugin, which could help me with http://devnet.jetbrains.com/thread/311967 ?My idea was, to put @xfcp REAL CLASSNAMe into the file, so the IDE knows, whi... -
Daniel Fatkic 创建了一个帖子, Deprecated Documentation
Hi, i just tried http://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/IDEADEV/Customizing+the+IDEA+Settings+Dialog but the code is deprecatede.g. In the plugin configuration file plugin.xml, create the <extensi... -
Daniel Fatkic 创建了一个帖子, Start phpstorm with parameter defined style
Can i select the style, which i want to use in phpstorm as parameter in a windows shortcat?I love the darcula style, but it's a pain to work with it when i'm in the garden.That's why i'd like to ha... -
Daniel Fatkic 创建了一个帖子, Open File From Browser
Is something like this: http://symfony.com/doc/master/reference/configuration/framework.html#ide also possible with the newest phpstorm version? -
Daniel Fatkic 创建了一个帖子, Exclude Directory from inspection
Can i mark a directory which includes "skeleton files" from the inspection?The skeleton directory includes several files and directories, which aren't valid php files, they're only templatese.g.cla... -
Daniel Fatkic 创建了一个帖子, Powershell Support
Is there a way to use the windows powershell with the phpstorm command line tools console?