Norris Shelton
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创建于 Exception repeating in log
I get this exception in my idea.log when I hit CTRL-R. Is this "normal"?2008-09-29 08:24:11,310 WARN - ellij.openapi.ui.DialogWrapper - Showing of a modal dialog inside write-action may be dang... -
创建于 SimpleColoredComponent Exception
I get this in JSP's for IJ 8823. The blame idea core is disabled.Argument 0 for @NotNull parameter of com/intellij/ui/SimpleColoredComponent.append must not be nulljava.lang.IllegalArgumentExcepti... -
创建于 Maven enhancement - find source of included library
Am I the only one who would love to see which dependency caused a library to be included in a project? Maybe I have a web project and the geronimo libraries are being included in the /lib director... -
创建于 Generate toString exception
IntelliJ 8664 8.0M1Error during dispatching of java.awt.event.InvocationEvent[INVOCATION_DEFAULT,runnable=com.intellij.ui.popup.PopupFactoryImpl$ActionPopupStep$1@784e7e,notifier=null,catchExcept... -
创建于 Rearranger - still maintained?
I loaded it into 8.0m1 and gave it a try. I got the following exception.Error during dispatching of java.awt.event.MouseEvent[MOUSE_RELEASED,(139,475),absolute(913,951),button=1,modifiers=Button1,... -
创建于 Missing web app node in console window of debugger console
Has anyone else seen this? It seems to go away when I launch a build in the Maven window. When it comes back, there is nothing in the console window. After about 5 minutes, it came back on it's ... -
创建于 JSR 168 Portlets
Is there any plan to implement any part of this? about just the low hanging fruit? Something along the lines of being able to specify the portle... -
创建于 JSR 186 Portlets and Maven question
All of the examples that I have looked at use a build and a dist directory, instead of a target directory. Is there some particular reason why this is so? -
创建于 Identifier Highlighter exception on 8418
Error during dispatching of java.awt.event.InvocationEvent[INVOCATION_DEFAULT,runnable=com.lgc.identifierhighlighter.IdentifierHighlighterEditorComponent$1@1ddba65,notifier=null,catchExceptions=fal... -
创建于 Need help with JUnit plugin for a Maven project
Does anyone know the Pattern to use to have the test classes placed in Maven's test directory? Everytime I try it, it is invalid.