Konstantin Sobolev
- 活动总数 186
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已编辑于 indexing deadlock
Hi I'm getting sporadic deadlocks in indexing with my plugin, and I'm not sure what am I doing wrong. Sequence of events from the thread dump: F/J Pool 3/8 (#9159): codeInsight.daemon.RelatedIte... -
已编辑于 dealing with nested indices processing
已回答Hi My plugin had sporadic lockups during indexing, now I'm getting some helpful diagnostic from 2017.2 about nested indices processing, however I don't understand what exactly is happening. Here a... -
创建于 Sharing IElementTypes between languages
Hi Our plugin includes a number of custom languages, with parsers derived from a common grammar (see this for details). Languages are intersecting, so current approach is to generate one mega-parse... -
创建于 modules with shared sources
已回答Hi Is there any supported way to have shared sources between different modules? Imagine module_a and module_b defining their own content roots plus taking sources from one common content root. Grad... -
已编辑于 handling custom language file outside of source root
I'm trying to make our custom language plugin to correctly handle files which are not under the source root folder. First, their icon must be changed. I implemented a FileIconPatcher but only icons... -
创建于 language composition (with Grammar-Kit)
Imagine there are three languages, A, B and C where A and B are independent, but they can both embed expressions from C. there can be more than 2 languages embedding C in the future. we need to k... -
创建于 Get line/column by offset
已回答I'm using a standalone parser generated by Grammar-Kit, so there's no Editor/Document. Is there still any easy way to get line/column by offset (as reported by PsiElement.getTextRange())? -
创建于 "AssertionError: Declaration range is invalid" from DeclarationRangeUtil
已回答My PairedBraceMatcher implementation calls DeclarationRangeUtil.getDeclarationRange(..) which throws an AssertionError, apparently getPossibleDeclarationAtRange returns null. Any idea why this coul... -
创建于 JFlex, escaping and embedded languages
I'm trying to add embedded language support to my custom language plugin and as the guide says lexer should return a single ILazyParseableElementType for the whole embedded fragment. My plugin uses... -
已编辑于 Completion Unit Test: complete returns null
Can't get completion unit test to work. I'm following the guide, but `getLookupElementStrings()` (or result of `complete(...)`) is always null. Completion actually works when I try it in the IDE. I...