Ruediger Berlich

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Ruediger Berlich 创建了一个帖子, 已回答New->Cmake macro
Hi there, it would be great if Clion had an option to create new CMake macros via the "New" context menu. Instead I find myself using the "File" option, which seems odd for an IDE which uses CMake ... -
Ruediger Berlich 创建了一个帖子, Solved: Clion does not resolve some standard headers
Hi there, maybe this will help somebody: Ever since I started using Clion, it has failed to recognize a number of important standard headers (such as <random> or the one for std::shared_ptr) result... -
Ruediger Berlich 创建了一个帖子, 已回答How to enforce a specific C++ standard
Clion (MacOS, every version I have tried) fails to recognize a simple std::shared_ptr in our 100000+ LOC project (which can by the way bring Clion to a grinding halt during code analysis for severa...