A Vorobev

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创建于 Wrong component's attribute type for preact project
Hello! According to documentation preact emits regular DOM events (https://preactjs.com/guide/v10/typescript/#typing-events). Let's take a look at the <button/> element and try to see what type of... -
创建于 Unable to find VirtualFile by url on Windows OS
已回答val fileUrlString = virtualFile.urlval url = URL(fileUrlString)val scopeFile = VfsUtil.findFileByURL(url) That approach is working good for linux, but for windows file is not found. Could you pleas... -
创建于 Is there a way to run com.intellij.ide.browsers.JavaScriptDebuggerStarter with JBCefBrowser?
已回答Hello! Could you please guide me on the following question: I would like to connect javascript debugger with JBCefBrowser opened inside IDE, is there a way to do it? As I can see, JavaScriptDebugge... -
创建于 How to create JBCefBrowser with CefRequestContextHandler?
已回答Hello!Faced the following problem:I need to put some javascript in the page every time the content is loaded in the JBCefBrowser and org.cef.handler.CefRequestHandler#getResourceRequestHandler - he... -
创建于 Tree drop target started looking weird
已回答I'm using com.intellij.ui.treeStructure.Tree with drag and drop enabled.Earlier (211 build and earlier versions) dragging the tree node looked beautiful and was with a neat underline of the drag ta... -
创建于 Sometimes the JBCef browser does not process js query
已回答Hello! For Intellij IDEA 2022.1 JBCefBrowser process js query unstable, looks like sometimes the MessageRouterHandler is initialized correctly, sometimes not. Can't figure out what it depends on. E...