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创建于 Typehints for generic PHP collections doesn't work for me
I tried to use new generic type hints feature in the following way: 1. I created a repository class with getAllForPage method. /** * @param Page $page * @return Collection<Reaction> */public functi... -
创建于 Turn off the data sharing acceptance modal window on startup
Each time on IDE's startup it shows me that screen: Each time I click "Don't send", but it nothing changes. How can I get rid of that permanently? -
创建于 Optimize imports in before commit for php files only
I like to use that option to remove unused "use" statements from php files. However I lately discovered that it also removes some imports from my js files as well, which shouldn't be removed. Is th... -
已编辑于 PHP CS Fixer - force to use project CLI version in inspections instead of system one
I installed PHP CS Fixer as a composer dependency using this article: In IDE configuration I set tha... -
已编辑于 Visibility of scrach files only per project
Is there some way to create scratch files that would be available only for project in which the file was created? I work on 8-9 projects at the same time. Right now I've got ca. 50 scratch files an... -
创建于 How to pass JVM options when starting IDE (windows)?
Based on that topic I would like to start phpStorm with following params "-Didea.plugins.path=path\config\plugins". I tried to create a shortcut: "path_to_ide" -Didea.plugins.path=path\config\plugi... -
创建于 How to change password in IDE Settings Sync plugin
I lately changed my password to JetBrains account which was stored in that plugin. I'm not able to find any way how to update my password which was stored by that plugin. How should I do that? When... -
创建于 Is there a way to open / show opened file on project pane?
已回答If you right click somewhere inside any opened file or right click on it's tab there is option to `show file in explorer'. I wonder if there is a way to show such file on Project pane? -
创建于 Where IDE keeps parent branch information when I create new task with git vcs?
When I open a task I can check the "create branch" option. Then when I close a task, IDE can merge my branch which I created into it's parent branch. I would like to use that information in plugin.... -
已编辑于 How to apply all fixes from code inspection?
已回答I run code inspection by Code | Run inspection by name | "Unused CSS". It showed me 267 problems - mainly unused selector. I didn't find any option like "apply all". I can only click on "fix partia...