Plugin gradle config: building downloads the same version
Trying to build the ideavim plugin, but I presume this applies to the general plugin gradle build config. The gradle task is always downloading the same version of the intellij sources.
Attempt to build:
./gradlew test 130 ↵
Starting a new Gradle Daemon for this build (subsequent builds will be faster).
Already cached downloads:
find . -name '*EAP*SNAPSHOT*.zip' 1 ↵
find: ‘./.cache/dconf’: Permission denied
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You use snapshot version, it's changed every day.
Caching snapshot dependencies can be configured in gradle.
I didn't get it, what's the problem exactly?
The problem is everytime I do ' gradle build', it re-dlownloads the intellij distribution (of 400 MB). Shouldn't it be cached?
how do you fixed it?
I have the same problems on my project. Gradle distribution get downloaded for every project, every time I refresh. All my 40 projects use the same stable gradle wrapper version number, but all 40 projects download its own copy several times.
@Francogpellegrini the thread is about downloading Intellij IDEA distribution, not about Gradle distribution.
Is it possible to specify a build version instead of ?
Where are the build versions listed?
> Where are the build versions listed?
As it's said in, you can find the list at
Thank you very much Alexander,
Any hints: how can the build version be specified in the build.gradle?
I think I found it:
I have the same issue, every day, the when i build, the initial build takes a few minutes downloading the snaphsot. I see this in the logs
and sometimes this
joseph@C02T9C7KGTFM securekit-ide-plugin % ./gradlew runIde
Starting a Gradle Daemon, 1 busy Daemon could not be reused, use --status for details
<-------------> 0% CONFIGURING [29s]
> > root project > Resolve files of :detachedConfiguration1 > > 2.13 MB/540.60 MB downloaded
I have the following in the build.gradle to use the current installed version of intellij
I did change it to match the version of intellij with
which is in the intellij installed on my machine but it still keeps downloading everyday.