Cannot generate web service client from WSDL
(IntelliJ 2017.1.2) I am trying to follow the following KB instructions:
These menu item are not even available for me:
2. Choose Tools | WebServices | WebServices Client Code on the main menu or WebServices | WebServices Client Code on the context menu.
And if I run wsimport I get the following errors:
Error: Could not find or load main class org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java
Any assistance is appreciated.
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What engine do you use? Should work with Axis2.
If I select any other engine in the facet other than Axis I get the following error: Set valid {engine} path int he WebServices plugin settings....
I have no idea what path you are referring to.....
Which Axis2 version do you use in Web Services settings? What path is specified?
I am not using Axis2 I am using Axis. I still do not understand the pointing to some web service engine path. Is there a separate install for each web service engine? Is there a tutorial on how to setup the soap web service engines for IntelliJ?
There is no support for Axis, only Axis2, see
I was able to download and setup Axis2, I was able to generate a stub from IntelliJ but I cannot make reference to the stub.
It doesn't show as a standard java class also part of the problem is the shear size of the stub class (9.5 MB).
The following properties may affect it:
Try increasing the values so that your 9.5MB stub fits. Put the modified values in Help | Edit Custom Properties.