View two result sets side by side


What is the easiest way to view two result sets side by side? I see how you can split your query window to view two queries side by size. But how can I look at their results side by side as well?



Do you want to compare two result sets? If not, just mention it and I'll create a feature request.

To compare two results sets there is an action Compare With:

Thank you.

Stanislav Polimac

This one is still unsolved. NOT comparing result sets but viewing them side by side (or one above the other). I'm running version 2019.2.1.


@Stanislav Polimac,

You can use drag-n-drop to see results sets simultaneously




Is it possible to do this with results one above the other?  I am thinking like SQL Server Management Studio style.  Many times I working with several result sets with very few rows each. 


What a coincidence Matthew Phillips... I came here to request exactly the same feature!

I often want to run multiple queries where I want to compare values across rows. Sometimes this could be achieved with a join but also honestly it would just be easier (especially when each result set has just one or two rows, as Matthew identifies) to see the result sets stacked - in the same way that SSMS does.

Incidentally... I don't want to shill a competitive product, but if you are using a Mac and connecting to a SQL Server database (i.e. don't want to run a whole Windows VM to run SSMS) then Azure Data Studio does stack the result sets in a similar fashion to SSMS.


You can enable in-editor results to see result set inside console.

To compare two result sets use `Compare` feature:


Excellent!!  I had no idea about this feature.  This is a real game-changer.  Thank you so much!


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