Could you specify DataGrip version and MSSQL version? Do you have permissions to list specified table? Did you add schema with specified table into intospection scope? Thank you.
It is my local dev sql sever which I am connecting to with the sa user. I am able to see the table when I connect with SSMS.
The table is part of the dbo schema. On closer inspection, only 194 tables of the 257 tables are showing in DataGrip. This also seems to only be an issue with this specific database. A similar database is showing all tables including the status table.
Is there a way to get DataGrip to completely refresh the list of tables? I've tried synchronize with no effect.
@Daniel Heard Hi,
Could you specify DataGrip version and MSSQL version?
Do you have permissions to list specified table?
Did you add schema with specified table into intospection scope?
Thank you.
@vasily chernov Hi,
DataGrip version 2017.2.3
MSSQL version 2014 developer (12.0.4100.1)
It is my local dev sql sever which I am connecting to with the sa user. I am able to see the table when I connect with SSMS.
The table is part of the dbo schema. On closer inspection, only 194 tables of the 257 tables are showing in DataGrip. This also seems to only be an issue with this specific database. A similar database is showing all tables including the status table.
Is there a way to get DataGrip to completely refresh the list of tables? I've tried synchronize with no effect.
Thank you!

You need to add "dbo" schema into introspection scope:
One can invalidate caches by "Invalidate Caches / Restart ..." action:
Thank you.
Thanks for getting back to me.
Caches invalidated with no improvement.
dbo already ticked
Datagrip table list:
SSMS table list:
Thank you
Could you attach IDE log?
Thank you.
I can only upload jpegs, gifs and pngs.
@Daniel Heard Hi,
As a workaround you can create public or to create ticket in YouTrack
Thank you.