RN 0.51.0 and Metro Blunder
Hello All,
I just upgraded to RN 0.51.0 and tried to run my app from WebStorm. I noticed that I see the "Metro Blunder" as my packager.
In order to run the same way as the older react-native version. What do I need to do differently in WebStorm.
Has anyone tried the Metro Blunder with Webstorm or the late React Native with WebStorm? What config changes did you have to make?
I would greatly appreciate someone's help or comment on this.
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Please can you elaborate on this? What's wrong with Metro Blunder? What problems starting the app have you faced, what's your WebStorm version?
Sure, thanks. I had a typo mistake. It should say "Metro Bundler" instead of "Metro Blunder".
I have Webstorm 2017.1. When I start the debugger by executing "Debug" from the RUN menu. It just runs the Metro Bundler and the emulator does not come up. Do I need to execute react-native run-ios? separately? I didn't have to do that for the earlier versions on React Native. I am sure I am not doing something right. I would appreciate your help.
I see, thanks for update:)
The packager messages format has changed in react-native 0.50.*, and WebStorm can't parse the output and start the run command.
https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-29569 is fixed in 2017.3.
You can try either downgrading react-native to 0.49 or upgrading WebStorm.
Ok. Thanks. I will do that and let you know if there is any problem. Thanks for your prompt response.
Ok. I have other issues now.
I upgraded to the the 2017.3 version of WebStorm.
My react native is back to 0.42.2 version due to some other issues and packages I was using.
Now when I try to debug I get tech following error:
What am I doing wrong?
No idea. Can you recreate the issue with default React native app created with File | New project? what does your run configuration look like?
Here are the information you requested:
Does it work if you change Debugger process to Chrome?
Not It doesn't. I tried that. I down graded to previous version of WebStorm 2017.1 and it works fine again.
Does the new WebStorm require certain version of Node?
it doesn't... Node 7 should work
Hello Elena,
Happy New Year.
Sorry for the long delay. I was out due to the Holidays. Going back to this problem, my current Webstorm is 2017.1 and my react native 0.42.2. Would my current work if I upgrade to Webstorm 2017.3? It seems that the latest version is working wither React Native 0.50 or 0.51. Is that true?
2017.3 should work with 0.42.2...
Hello Elena,
It seems, it doesn't work since the latest version of RN has made some minor changes, for example having index.js vs. index.ios.js and so on. And Webstorm 2017.3 adopts to the latest RN changes.
I was wondering, for me to gradually update my code to the latest RN, I need to have running two versions of Webstorm (the 2017.1 and 2017.3) on my machine while I am transitioning my code.
My question is, can I run two versions of Webstorm on my machine at the same time? This would make my transition smooth.
Yes, it should be possible
Hello Elena,
I am gradually moving my code to the latest RV, and using the Webster 2017.3. So far so goos except I cannot runny the debugger I get the error message "Can't start debugger".
my settings are for the run configuration as:
Also I get this message under the "react-native run-iso"
usr/local/Cellar/node/7.4.0/bin/node /usr/local/lib/node_modules/react-native-cli run-ios --no-packager
Scanning folders for symlinks in /Users/farshidbakhtyari/src/rn51InnovaMobile/node_modules (9ms)
Why does have "--no-packger" option?
What am I doing wrong?
Please try upgrading to 2017.3.2 - https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-29966 is fixed there, `--no-packager` option is not used
Hello Elena,
I hope all is well. I updated to the version 2017.3.2 , I don't see the '--no-packager' message but I still get the red screen on the emulator and I am stock here. I would appreciate your help to get moving forward.
Has anybody your company tested this release?
Please let me know what I am doing wrong? or what I am missing?
I still get he message , "cannot start the debugger" error. Is there a log file I can take a look? or your engineers can take a look?
what react-native version are you using now? Can you recreate the issue when using a new app created with New | Project | React Native (i.e. with react-native-cli init)?
I am using
same issue, I started a fresh project and git the same error message.
This is my package.json file:
My react-native-cli is also at the its latest version
thanks, reproduced! Please follow https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-30438 for updates
Ok. Thanks. For the time being there is no solution, right? I assume your engineers are working on out, right?
Yes, exactly. The developer is looking at the issue right now
Any time estimation on when this fix is going to ready?
as you can probably see, https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-30438 is fixed. Fix will be available in 2018.1
Being honest with you, I don't how you got that information from the link you sent me. Regardless, When would 2018.1 will be available? What s the date on this 2018.1 release?
From the link you can see the issue state (fixed). All bugs are fixed in trunk by default - so the fix can for sure be expected in next major release.
Until the 'Fixed in builds' is set, it's not clear what builds/branches the fix can be expected in - it may be backported to 2017.3.x, or postponed till 2018.x. as the issue was fixed today, no more info is available, but you can follow the ticket for updates to be notified on any changes made to its status
2018.1 can be expected by the end of March
Great, thanks for all the explanation. Is there any way I can set myself up to be notified on any changes to this ticket so I would know when to pick up the fix? Or I just have to check the link every few days? Thanks.