What would you like to see in this integration? What features would be useful? A detailed request is welcome at https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues/IDEA.


I don't know much about JFR + JMC, JMH, or other modern Java profilers.

Mainly, I'd like (from simplest to most complex):

  1. actions & UI for "Profile" that mimic the actions & UI for "Run" & Debug".
  2. choice of profiler to use (JFR, JMH, etc.); additional profilers should supportable via plugins
  3. profiler-specific configurations
  4. reusable named sets of profiler settings
  5. way to easily view output generated by a profiler after it has completed (e.g., could be as simple as launching JMC for a JFR-generated file)
  6. way to easily view data collected by a profiler as code is running (e.g., could be as simple as launching third-party GUI). Would be nice, in IntelliJ, to somehow view code from the profiler results, which would entail either having a profiler UI in IntelliJ, or integrating with third-party profiler UIs. Easiest way to support this might be to have a URL scheme to open a file in IntelliJ at a specific location, and then having third-party profiler UI include said URLs in their UI.  This could be IDE-agnostic, and IntelliJ could be registered as the handler for such URLs (but someone using Eclipse could register that as their handler, assuming Eclipse also supported the URL scheme)
  7. the profiler framework could possibly be a generic runtime harness framework, as there might be non-profiling runtime harnesses that have sets of settings that are reusable between completely unrelated code.


Internal profiler should be integrated in 2018.2.



Thanks Yaroslav.

Can you provide more detail?  Does "internal profiler" mean JFR, a JetBrains profiler, something else?  What type of integration will be available at first, and what might be available in subsequent releases?

Thanks again.



Sorry for the delay. It'll be JetBrains profiler. I couldn't provide more details before the release, but JFR integration is also in the list: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-191888


Permanently deleted user



Is there any latest update on JFR/JMC integration with Intellij? Don't see any activity at this enhancement request- https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-191888 so checking.

Thanks in advance.


No updates so far, please follow YouTrack for updates.

Permanently deleted user

Do not see any update on youtrack for the same - https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-191888. Any expected timelines when it can be delivered?


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