AWS Athena: No output location provided
Please point me to instructions for using Athena in DataGrip.
Why does Authentication type: AWS Profile want a user name?
What does this mean?
DBMS: AWS.Athena (ver. 03.00.0000)
Case sensitivity: plain=lower, delimited=lower
Driver: Simba Athena JDBC Driver (ver., JDBC4.2)
Ping: 91 ms (keep-alive query results in error)
[HY000][100071] [Simba][AthenaJDBC](100071) An error has been thrown from the AWS Athena client. No output location provided. An output location is required either through the Workgroup result configuration setting or as an API input. [Execution ID not available]
No output location provided. An output location is required either through the Workgroup result configuration setting or as an API input. (Service: AmazonAthena; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidRequestException; Request ID: 666f507f-f045-4d26-b340-56b73806eb31; Proxy: null).
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It should work correctly. Let me try to answer your questions.
Just leave it blank and select profile you want to work with
And, as for the error itself, could you try to add
to JDBC URL?E.g.
jdbc:awsathena://AwsRegion=[REGION];UID=[ACCESS KEY];PWD=[SECRET KEY];S3OutputLocation=[LOCATION]
This is actually exclusive of DataGrip. In Athena, you need to have established a location (typically and S3 bucket) for your query data to land. You would be prompted to do this when performing your first query from Athena's web interface.