ftp configuration files

hello i have lots 300+ ftp site info on filezilla id like to make a script that will convert my xml to ftp sites in the site manager, does anyone have any info to the format intellajide uses i need to know how i can generate the webserver id does it matter or can it be random in the specified format? also the password field how can i convert my pass from plaintext to the hash this uses, thanx.

 <webServer id="266d68eb-8be3-43f3-bc98-7da24b0b89b5"
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Unfortunately there is no solution for importing server base from FileZilla.

We have a related request submitted to our tracker here: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WI-19686 . Please comment and vote for it in order to move it up in the queue and receive notifications regarding the progress of the feature. See more information on working with tracker at <https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/207241135-How-to-follow-YouTrack-issues-and-receive-notifications>.


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