How to get back in sync with SVN repository?
Awhile ago, something happened..
At the top of my project list is the name "DummyRails [DummyRails1] (~/RubymineProjects/DummyRails)
Some discrernable facts:
I have directories
I don't have a DummyRails1 directory.
The directory RubymineProjects/DummyRails does not have any .svn subdirectories
The directory RubymineProjects/DummyRails0 DOES have .svn subdirectories
Whenever I try to do a commit (with svnserver running in the repository ~/DummySVNrepo) the commit fails.
Even before I do a 'commit', I see:
Warning: not all local changes may be shown due to an error: svn: E155005: Directory '~/RubymineProjects/DummyRails/.svn containing working copy admin area is missing.
This is probably because there isn't a .svn directory in that clump of files.
Basically, the SVN repository and RubymineProjects/DummyRails are seriously screwed up. Attempts in the past to get things back into sync have only seemed to make things worse (e.g. - the DummyRails1 label)
Can anyone suggest a failure proof series of steps where I might get a working SVN system again? It would be nice to retain evidence of past changes, but this is not super essential.
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