How to move source folders around in CVS

Can someone tell me how you refactor the source folders when the project is checked in to CVS (without resorting to wincvs or eclipse).

What I started with, both folders at top level:

What I want it to look like:






What I ended up with was a mess in CVS, where the new directories were created, but no new entries were added to them. The files remained in the old structure.

Is this expected behaviour? Let me say, that I am now using eclipse to sort out what happened.


Did you commit your changes? It sounds like you performed the moves (delete, add), but did not commit the changes.


Thanks for the reply.

The changes were committed successfully, and I could see the new files (in the new location) but they also existed in the old location. It looks like intellij lost track of the old versions of the files.

I actually checked the repository directly after the commit, as I don't trust package / source tree refactoring from old.

It was not until I did a forced update of the project that there were two copies of the source. Before updating, it looked like there was only one copy of the source files. Somehow IDEA had lost track of the refactored packages. At this point I removed the local files and recreated the project from cvs (as I had to use another tool to clean this mess up).

When recreating the module, all the xml files in the module were listed twice (and clicking on the duplicates opened them in a separate window). Restarting the IDE cleared this problem.


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