Plugin - working in debug, but not in production
Hi there,
I created a plugin and it works fine, when I debug it.
path\JetBrains\WebStorm 2016.1.1
Then I build it [prepare all plugin modules] and install it inside Webstorm and it crashes:
Cannot load project: com.intellij.ide.plugins.PluginManager$StartupAbortedException: com.intellij.diagnostic.PluginException: myPlugin.FileOpenedProjectComponent PluginClassLoader[myPlugin, 1.0] [Plugin: myPlugin]
When I build the plugin from my other computer (Professional Edition) it all worked.
Now that I build it from the Community Edition it's not working.
Any idea? Need more information?
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Please share the complete error log with the stacktrace. Can you also share the plugin so that we can check it?
How do I get the stacktrace?
See IDE log file:
Here is the stacktrace:
is not present in plug-in distribution. Are you sure it's packaged properly? Attach a sample project to reproduce.
seems I did not replace some parts of the trace. I tried to replace de.mgd.sapui5MVColor with myPlugin
Sorry about that
But it works, when I debug the plugin. why not when build it?
Packaging may be different for debug and production. Check the target jars.