what does "Choose Sources..." do - and how can I undo what it does?
When during a debugging session control moves into binary classes in JARs, the decompiler
decompiles such classes and displays the "Download Sources" and "Choose Sources..." links .
When I click on the "Choose Sources..." link, Idea then finds all the source directories under
the directory I choose and lets me select the ones I want to import .
But now I want to change the directory I initially chose for the JAR to a new directory.
Where can I do this in the IDE ?
Or how can I "undo" the choice of source directory I made for that JAR, so I can make another choice ?
I've searched everywhere and can't seem to find a way - any responses gratefully received.
Thanks & Regards,
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It's in Settings | Proect Structure.
You can open some library source file, press Alt+F1 and choose "Project Structure" there, it'll bring you to this library's settings in the dialog. There you can detach the source and attach other jars.
It does not work, because there may be two maven modules (with war packaging), for example, with two different versions of the same library. It I choose one in "Choose sources...", how can I make the choice again when debugging?
There is an option for debugger:
You are a saviour! Thank you very much :)
With newer versions of IntelliJ undoing "Choose sources.." is pretty hidden now. You need to right click the dependency in "Project Structure", choose "Edit...", and then remove the "sources" entry in the new dialog that will open up.