6951 does not recognize web modules anymore?
I generate my IDEA projects with Maven (idea:idea). As of 6951 that does not work anymore for projects that contain a web module. Has anyone else seen that? I reverted back to M1, that still works fine.
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Web module et. al. don't exist anymore. They have been replaced by facets.
Hm bah so the maven-idea-plugin needs a rework :-/
Hello Stefan,
This is strange. Selena is supposed to recognize old web-module format. Can
you provide more details? What exactly did not work?
BTW, Selena will provide Maven import (coming really soon in EAP), so there
might be no need to upgrade good old mvn idea:idea
Best regards,
Vladislav Kaznacheev
Project Manager, IntelliJ IDEA
"Develop with Pleasure!"
Hello Vladislav,
I've got the same issue, and even more strange, it only fails for some web/EJB modules. One module
got correctly converted into:
while another other one (which IDEA keeps complaining about) does not get converted: ]]>
I've attached the module file.
Maven Support, great idea.
Hello Sascha,
Please attach .ipr file.
>> This is strange. Selena is supposed to recognize old web-module
>> format. Can you provide more details? What exactly did not work?
Nikolay Chashnikov (JetBrains) wrote:
Done. But why does it depend on the project? I might add an "old" module to a "new" project which
should work as well...
Kopie von assistants.ipr
Is there an update on this? I only have the option to create a java module or a plugin module. Everything else is gone.
Hello Norris,
Martin's reply is correct:
"Web module et. al. don't exist anymore. They have been replaced by facets."
Dmitry Jemerov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"
That's scurry. I did not know they were fully functional yet. Let the tinkering begin!
On a side note, when opening an IJ 6.0 project, Selena will ask if I'd like
to upgrade the project or continue to use the existing project (and lose
some functionality). If I choose to use the existing project files, Selena
will not open the project. It just goes to the basic gray screen (i.e no
project open). The only way I can open projects is to upgrade which I cannot
do right now in our team environment...
"Dmitry Jemerov" <yole@jetbrains.com> wrote in message
>> Is there an update on this? I only have the option to create a java
>> module or a plugin module. Everything else is gone.
Hello Grant,
Do you have any exceptions in idea.log?
>> Hello Norris,
>>> Is there an update on this? I only have the option to create a java
>>> module or a plugin module. Everything else is gone.
>> Martin's reply is correct:
>> "Web module et. al. don't exist anymore. They have been replaced by
>> facets."
>> --
>> Dmitry Jemerov
>> Software Developer
>> JetBrains, Inc.
>> http://www.jetbrains.com/
>> "Develop with Pleasure!"
Hello Sascha,
Fixed, thank you. The problem was in path to iml-file which contains a user-defined
>> Hello Sascha,
>> Please attach .ipr file.
Hello Nikolay,
Thanks. But right now I'm stuck with a lot of module files that haven't been converted yet, and I
don't want to remove them from the project(s) and re-add them because that means to reconfigure a
lot of stuff. Any chance to be able to convert an old module when a project is opened, instead of
getting this "cannot determine module type" error?
I downloaded the most recent version (to see if it fixed my other problems) and I am wondering how do you go about creating (and deploying in Tomcat) multiple web modules (ie webapps)?
In the old way I created a java module that had the code for the webapps, then a web module for each web app. (Because of the way this project stores it's code, there isn't a seperate source tree for each app)
It's not letting me do what was my first inclination, which is to just setup mutiple web facets in the one java module (which seems like what you would want to do). I add the one facet, then it doesn't let me add another...
I tried setting up multiple java modules (one for the main code and one for each webapp) with web facets for the webapps, but that resulted in the Tomcat configuration having 8 'Web' modules and acting... strangely (and having no way to know which 'Web' module is which).
Hello Kevin,
A multiple web facets in one java module will be allowed soon.
The problems with multiple java modules with web facets will be fixed in
next EAP.
I also got "cannot determine module type" with #7104. I solved it by modifying the .ipr file:
to ]]>
It is possible that someone merged the project file incorrectly.
I'm having the same issue with Idea 7.0.4 build 7860, when I run "mvn idea:idea" on my project and then reload the project, Idea gives the message
Cannot determine module type for the following module:
The module will be treated as a Java module.
Hello Todd,
Why do you use "mvn idea:idea" (which is not maintained by us and was not
updated to fully support IDEA 7) rather than our built-in Maven integration?
Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"