Remote debugging with Tomcat: Does Not Stop on Breakpoints


I can make changes to Java class and/or resources (web.xml, jsp, etc) , do either Build Module, or Debug and the changes show up on Tomcat.

However, debugging is not working.

I have tried a number of things, but let's start with the basic default configuration.

1. I defined a Local Tomcat6 application server on port 18080 and a startup page
this works
2. Set the Web Facet for deployment. this works
3. Logs work
4. For the Startup script, I selected use default, which is pre-defined as the following:

C:\opt\tomcat\bin\catalina.bat run

The application starts up and says
Listening to the connection, address: '',transport:'socket'

Then my webpage is launched and does come up..

But.. my breakpoints in the code are ignored.

Any hint on which additional setting is missing?

Edited by: Stephen Boesch on Apr 22, 2008 8:59 AM


Are your breakpoints located in Java files or in JSPs?
Which icon are displayed for your breakpoints after starting Tomcat: red
circle, red circle with 'tick' mark inside it or red cirle with small
green circle inside it?

I can make changes to Java class and/or resources (web.xml, jsp, etc) , do either Build Module, or Debug and the changes show up on Tomcat.

However, debugging is not working.

I have tried a number of things, but let's start with the basic default configuration.

1. I defined a Local Tomcat6 application server on port 18080 and a startup page
this works
2. Set the Web Facet for deployment. this works
3. Logs work
4. For the Startup script, I selected use default, which is pre-defined as the following:

C:\opt\tomcat\bin\catalina.bat run

The application starts up and says
Listening to the connection, address: '',transport:'socket'

Then my webpage is launched and does come up..

But.. my breakpoints in the code are ignored.

Any hint on which additional setting is missing?

Nikolay Chashnikov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"


The breakpoint is the normal full red. It is on a normal, executable code inside the servlet service() method .

Breakpoints are being properly recognized on simple standalone classes with main() in the same project, when I run them independently of Tomcat. There's something going on with the Tomcat / debugging configuration .



Anyone want to get some points for this ;)


I ran out of time on this for now.

For local tomcat debuggin, I have put in the tomcat bootstrap class, classpath, and jvm parameters, and run it just like a standalone java program. It is a primitive way to do it BUT IT WORKS.

Still, that way won't suffice for remote debugging.. So, I will still look forward to help on why this is not working.


My script to start Tomcat looks like this:
set JPDA_TRANSPORT=dt_socket
call catalina jpda start

This will start Tomcat in Debug-Mode. In IDEA, I configured a debug session under Remote (not Remote Tomcat, but just Remote). Connect to Port 5005 and select Socket as Transport.

If I start the Debug-Session in IDEA (after starting Tomcat manually) then the breakpoints are honoured.

In this setup, Tomcat is never started and stopped by IDEA. I start it one time manually and after a compile (and auto-deploy by IDEA), Tomcat will reload the application automatically.

I hope I could help.



I see your Tomcat is started with "catalina run". Maybe you should change that to "catalina jpda run". I am not sure but maybe it is worth a try


Thanks, I did try that actually before anything else (even before the default catalina run..)



Hi Hans,
Thanks v much for this input. It sounds like a good option. I will post back after I set it up and give it a whirl.


The remote debugging as a standalone app (not using the built-in tomcat) is working fine. One downside is I don't get to see the log files: at least, I have not figured out how to do so yet.


I also have encountered this same behavior. It used to work back when running Intellij 2018 or earlier with Tomcat 8.0. I am now running Intellij 2020 with Tomcat 8.5.15. I don't have breakpoints muted. It just never stops on a breakpoint. I am using  java 1.8.0_101.


Please submit a ticket at with the sample project, configuration screenshots and the exact steps to reproduce it.


I realized after I added my comment that this post was from 2008 and that I would submit a new ticket. I thought I commented on that, but I guess I didn't.


New ticket: Debugging Tomcat does not stop at breakpoints 


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