'Basic' attribute type should not be 'Object'


I cannot map PostrgreSQL 9.4 tables to my Hibernate Entities. I get the following error on SIMPLE INTEGER values:

'Basic' attribute type should not be 'Object'

It is obvious that you do not properly support PostgreSQL. When is this going to be fixed???


Official comment

Hello Troy,

Please try enabling Use legacy introspector in Schemas tab in the Postgres Data source settings as a workaround. I've created issue for PostgreSQL database, please follow: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-150816 for updates.


I have the same problem when 'Generate Java Classes and Persistence Metadata for Database schema'. I am using oracle and the property is in varchar2 in the DB. The Mapped type can be only java.lang.object or java.io.serializable. Even if I edit it manualy to java.lang.String it reverts back to java.lang.object. At the end,I get the error --Basic attribute type should not be Object.


Please advise,



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