Cannot connect to pgbouncer schema

I'm trying to connect to a “fake” database that represents a connection pool on DigitalOcean (they use PgBouncer).
For every connection pool it creates a db name that “redirects” to a specific one for this connection.
For example “development_maintenance” for “development”.

The problem is that the “fake db name" is not available under the DataGrip connection's possible schemas, it lists the true ones underneath and defaults to “development”.
Even if I try to force via "Schema pattern:" it continues to connect to “development”.

I'm unable to find other posts about the same or similar issues, I may be missing something obvious but the same connection url on DBeaver works like a charm (ignoring the laggy experience).


Even when specifying the correct database (tried both via url mode and ui) it continues to attempt connecting to “development”.



Am I correct, you're trying to connect to

Have you tried to leave database field empty? 

Additionally, could you upload your IDE and SQL logs to and send us id? 


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