Connection Schema List should filter out unselected or denied access schemas

I connect to an Oracle 19c instance that has 100+ schemas. Of those 100+ I have access to exactly 1. Why then do I see all 100+ in schema drop down list at the upper right of a console or open SQL file? This is yet another obvious waste of time/space/information.

Based on the schema options in the connection properties the drop down list should only operate in one of the following two manners:

1. Only show a list of schemas to which I have access (probably too hard to implement)

2. Only show a list of schemas that I have either explicitly selected in the connection properties schema list or that match the pattern entered

Displaying a list of schemas that I either cannot access or have decided I don't want is a waste of my time.

1 comment

I agree it's quite cumbersome. 
As a temporary workaround one can use speed search (just start typing) withing controls. 


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