Scene Builder Kit bug with JavaFx
Hi, I'm using IntelliJ IDEA Comunity Edition with versión 2024.3.
I was trying to configure JavaFx with SceneBuilder on a demo project, so I installed JavaFx-23 library by using global libraries, also I downloaded scenebuilder kit and added it to global libraries.

After that i tried to open the hello-view.fxml on SceneBuilder mode inside intlliJ, that didn't work so i decided to click on “Download JavaFX” then the IDE was supposed to download something as you can see in the screenshot, but it does nothing because this still doesn't working and according to the documentation it should work

The solution was to download SceneBuilder app and install it (for Windows 11 on my case).
After that i had to configure the path to SceneBuilder on Settings > Language & Frameworks > JavaFx, afer that im allow to, right click on the .fxml file and open in SceneBuilder but it opens SceneBuilder standalone, so I keep having the problem that i can't use the inline SceneBuilder Kit on SceneBuilder tab in IntelliJ
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