How to create Multi PsiReference for Tag name?


If TagName needs to point to a custom PsiReference, it needs to be done through a custom XMLExtension. override XMLExtension.createTagNameReference(), define custom TagNameReference , and the PsiReference is processed in TagNameReference, but only one PsiReference can be returned. For example, Tag Name is com.example.EntityName, if "EntityName" and "com.example" are reference to different PsiElement, how to handle it?



It seems that it is not possible to do with XMLExtension. I suggest trying to implement com.intellij.psi.PsiReferenceContributor, which will contribute references for tag name. com.intellij.psi.PsiReferenceProvider should return references for each class element (package parts and a class name). You can use com.intellij.psi.impl.source.resolve.reference.impl.providers.JavaClassReferenceSet to build the references for a fully qualified class name and return its getReferences().


from this : ReferenceProvider on XmlTokenType.XML_NAME – IDEs Support (IntelliJ Platform) | JetBrains

Go to Declaration doesn't work in your case because XML_TAG already has a reference to itself. You can change this behavior by creating your own XmlExtension(com.intellij.xml.XmlExtension) and overriding method XmlExtension.createTagNameReference().”

PsiReferenceProvider can't apply to TagName, Isn't it ?



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