How to run Servlet?


Hello, I just switched from Eclipse, and here everything is so different...I have a problem with a VERY simple issue. I just want to see my Servlet in browser. With jsp there is no problem, but when I click "run" when my Servlet windos is opened - all that is running is Tomcat itself. It's does't go to my default browser, so I can't see anything.  

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I checked it. If doesn't unswer my question at my current level. I just want one I thought simple thing in Eclipse. To run servlet on Tomcat. To see for example the output of PrintWriter....Enything. It should be simple. In Eclipse it was avalible without any configuration. 

Permanently deleted user

This tutorial above is focued on Comunity version of InteliiJ. I've got Utimate verion. But thanks anyway, I'll try that. Does anyone have more suggestions regarding my issue?

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A bit of it - adding mapping to xml - solved case! Thank You Petr Rastegaev!:)

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Hello there, I've the same issue.

In eclipse, I create a dynamic web project. I create a servlet and when I run it, it works.

But in intellij, I can only create a web app, no a dynamic web project. So when I start the app, I obtain the index.jsp and not the wanted servlet.... The tutorials don't solve my problems. Thanks


Just change the URL you open to the servlet mapped URL, if the issue persists please share your project:

Permanently deleted user

It works. I finally understand 5he difference. In intellij you have to modify the URL. You can't do the right click "run as" of eclipse Ide. Thanks


Hi Krysnn,


And how do you do that exactly, as I have the same problem.


I'm having this same issue. I can produce a successful servlet from a Java Enterprise project. When I create a Gradle project and add additional web framework, the servlet I create is not found. I suspect this is an artifact issue, but I can't resolve it. I'm using the <project-name>:war exploded artifact. There are two additional Gradle war files but they do not work.


Please upload a sample project that doesn't work at .


I uploaded a file named The index page will display when I run the tomcat 9.0.35 server but the servlet I created is not found. For the server configuration, I'm using the web-customer-tracker:war exploded artifact. If I use the Gradle : com.tracker.customer : web-customer-tracker-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.war (exploded) artifact, it results in a failure during artifact deployment.



There are multiple issues with the project configuration and one known issue with IntelliJ IDEA that is causing the exploded artifact to not build: .

A workaround is to build and run using IDE by changing this setting: .

As for the project configuration, web app directory must be src/main/webapp and not web for Gradle projects.

After fixing all the above, the project builds, deploys and runs as expected: .

Fixed project: .


Thank you for fixing this. I noticed there was a different project layout when I was referencing the gradle guide:  

When I try to create this sample gradle project, I get a stack trace when I run $ ./gradlew appRun

Is this the proper way to create the project?



Yes, it will create a project with the correct layout. For running it on the app server from the command line Gradle you will need to add additional configuration to build.gradle, but it's outside of the IntelliJ IDEA support scope.


I am facing an issue when I am calling the servlet page via index.jsp and when I jump from index.jsp to a servlet page which I had created. The browser shows 404 /servlet not found. I am stuck at this and trying everything possible but anything is not working. Please provide any feasible solution to this problem.


2020_07_21_VYfSrrhQPoqWJS3w  I have uploaded it on the following id



Your project works fine with Tomcat 9 on my system:


Then what is the issue in mine system


Not sure, upload the full log from the run console when using Tomcat 9 and a short video showing how you run it and what results you get in the browser.


When I am running the following code I am getting 404 error always



You are not following the suggestions and running unreleased Tomcat 10, I specifically asked to try with Tomcat 9 release instead.


But It was not executing via use of tomcat 9 at first place but now the issue has been resolved. Thanks for your help



Hi there, I create Java Enterprise project and than I create Servlet class I want to run it, but I can't . How to solve this problem? is there any way which solve this problem?


>I want to run it, but I can't 

What exactly are you trying? What does not work?

Please follow this tutorial: Deploy a Java web application inside a Tomcat server container.

Also answered here


Andrey Dernov sir, I just want to run Servlet class, but it has only run index.jsp.


I think this problem shouldn't have been that difficult.) You can very easily create web project of Servlet class and run it, but Intellij doesn't support.


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