Check-in/Share only some project files?
We always had code style settings files checked into git.
However no other IDEA projects files are checked in, because a) it is easy to create the project from build.gradle and b) unintended changes to other project files happen too often (for example because of slightly different IDEA versions).
In the past you could just create a project and IDEA used the existing project files.
Now it warns that there is an existing project folder and to continue with project setup you have to let IDEA delete the old folder.
So what is the recommended way to have only code style settings (or other part of the settings) checked-in/shared by the team?
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When exactly does it warn you? When you import build.gradle?
Yes, at import. See screenshot. When I click on "No", then nothing IDEA does not continue, but keeps the "Import" dialog open.
As far as I know, this option was added to avoid such problems:
It's already available in the current IntelliJ IDEA version.
Strange. I was running a two days old build and have just now installed #IU-181.3303 (latest nightly from master) and still don't get this option.