Building .jar
I have gotten to the point in my project that i want to test it on another device.
Problem is it relies on 2 libraries. How can i take the project im working on and build a jar so i can ensure it works on another system with a different operating system. (windows 7/raspi pi)
I checked for build artifact, but it faded out. Am i doing something wrong?
EDIT: i was able to get it to jar it. But when i run it, nothing happens.
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Please see
i tried following the instructions, but the options are slightly different and when i try running the jar nothing still happens.
Heres a youtube video unlisted of me showing you what i tried doing., Its a minute long.
If any of the jars in the deps was signed, the final jar will not work, see
I read the response, but its completely lost on me.
I only use Bitcoinj and Zxing for bitcoin/QRCode reading. I have no clue if they are signed or not. Where would i confirm this?
Look inside the jars for the files mentioned in the link.
I dont have those same dependencies.
Unpack the jars in this list in your file manager to check inside the jars.
this is what im looking for??
mssql-jdbc-6.2.0.jre8.jar <--??
You are looking for
andMSFTSIG.SF files inside any of the jars listed in the dependencies.
What is the error displayed in the console when you run the jar? Can you share the final jar that doesn't run?
no errors display. it just seems the program doesnt run. It loads something but then nothing.!QVwAyR4C!1ukzvTFZcnWZ-6phZfwpavc86_2e0arHrGCsFrKI3Vo
The above is the jar. I am currently going through the list to see if i can find it.
This jar doesn't specify the main class in the manifest, the error displayed is:
no main manifest attribute, in wallettemplate.jar
The manifest file inside the jar looks like this:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Archiver-Version: Plexus Archiver
Built-By: ken
Created-By: Apache Maven
Build-Jdk: 1.6.0_29
It could be that one of the dependent jars already has the manifest file that overrides your custom manifest that specifies the main class.
See the comment from Nikolay at for the workaround.
would the main class be the file i load the run the program?
Yes, it's the class that starts your app and has public static void main method.
i got that, its
Wouldnt that follow under the wallettemplate module??
Your screenshot shows this manifest file. Make sure this file specifies the Main class and is at the top of the dependencies.
In fact you can specify any MANIFEST.MF file using the following steps:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Main-Class: wallettemplate.MainPage
my new
How can i tell if i need to specify my class path. And to what?
You don't need to specify it.!0VZVBDTJ!-Hg7a-Cb4hkdtnFIu6rP5MilyVv_kmSYT74V7A9kxo8
same thing. nothing loads. corrected the main class.
Look inside the jar manifest file, it looks like this:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Archiver-Version: Plexus Archiver
Built-By: srowen
Created-By: Apache Maven
Build-Jdk: 1.6.0_29
It's not your manifest. You must change the order of the dependencies to make your manifest on the top so that it overrides all the dependent manifests. I've already described this process above.!MIZ3WKQQ!uoeLTKqeb-OfYxO3kZmj-iuL-05UlX-kgjxGmb886vk
Im getting an error now, A java exception has occured.
I extracted the JAR file and the manifest appears to be correct., Building this and running on my IDE and it works fine.
You've changed the packaging in the jar, before the dependent jars were extracted into the main jar, now they are just packed inside the jar. So you have jars inside the jar. This way the dependencies are not in the classpath and your app will not work. You have to change the packaging back to have the extracted jars inside the main jar.
where can i see this option? Im still learning your IDE in regards to this.
You can find all the details in the product documentation
lso read your post. but i still dont see anything that talks about this.
When creating a new artifact:
When editing existing one:
Sorry, I can't be more clear. If you don't understand it, you may need to try some other IDE or some other way to create the jar file for your app, like Ant, Maven or Gradle.
So i got it extracted, but the manifest is still getting the wrong one.
I am following this, but stuck on step 2.
"2) click on the + button, select Extracted Directory, select the module's lib directory, and then control click with mouse to add all of the jar files"
Whatever i click will not allow me to open. What is this looking for?
You need to change the order of the entries and to move Manifest file to the top as described in Nikolay's comment I've quoted above.
made progress.
First off i put the manifest on top, but the result were the same.
I then realized that virtually all the jars included contains their own manifest. Does this mean i have to go into these jars and remove them? These are needed.
The manifest on top should overwrite all the other manifests from the dependencies, that was the point of moving it to the top after all.
What error do you get now? Can you share the non working jar? Did you check that the manifest in your final jar is actually the one you need?