Feature Request for Java IDEs: Embed Rich media plots, images & video into source code
Dear gentle , kind, generous, empathetic, collaborative, cooperative readers and IntellijIdea staff,
I noticed that this lovely java IDE provides rich media support for plots, images, and video :
I nearly downloaded it but I would prefer to see this in IntelliJ's IDE (ultimate?) please. I think when I mention intelliJ I mean I would like to see such features in a Java IDE (sorry if this was not obvious).
Appreciate any progress or feedback on this. Thanks and have a happy Tuesday/Wednesday.
Sincerely and respectfully,
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PyCharm and IntelliJ IDEA Python plug-in has similar features: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/using-ipython-notebook-with-product.html.
> Serge Baranov
> Created Today at 01:20
> PyCharm and IntelliJ IDEA Python plug-in has similar features: > https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/using-ipython-notebook-with-product.html.
Python plug-in for IntelliJ IDEA provides the same features as mentioned in my original reply.
> Serge Baranov Python plug-in for IntelliJ IDEA provides the same features as mentioned in my original reply.
Thanks for your continued responses.
I am sorry, maybe I was not clear or maybe I am not understanding what you are saying.
I am interested in a Java IDE like IntelliJIdea that will allow me to embed rich media into my Java source code.
From what you are telling me this python plugin will allow me to embed rich media in my java source code? Is that correct?
Why is it called a python plugin ? (I am thinking perhaps this plugin works only with python source code?)
Why isn't there a similar plugin for Java ? and perhaps a plugin for the Java IDE?
No, it's not possible with Java code, only Python supports it. Your question was not clear, thank you for clarifying.
> Serge Baranov No, it's not possible with Java code, only Python supports it. Your question was not clear, thank you for clarifying.
Ok, great, sorry for bothering you but this is a "Feature Request" as in I know that maybe this feature is not there but I would love to have this feature included for Java/EE developers please. I edited the title and the post (original) to clarify what I meant.
We already have this request in the tracker:
> We already have this request in the tracker: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEABKL-7242
Amazing! the wonders of comprehension and communication.
Thank you and I hope to use the IDE when this feature comes out.
In the meanwhile I spent the entire day trying to figure out why installing intellijidea wrecked my previous installs of java IDEs
IntelliJ IDEA installation doesn't affect any system settings. It doesn't set environment variables or adjust JDK locations, so it's definitely not caused by IntelliJ IDEA.
> IntelliJ IDEA installation doesn't affect any system settings. It doesn't set environment variables or adjust JDK locations, so it's definitely not caused by IntelliJ IDEA
Thank you for the re assurance. I know the path variables were not a problem.
However my Eclipse 4.7 and 4.4 installs were not starting. I got 4.7 to work ("re installed" it).
I know I did not change anything other than install intelliJ and I can say that with confidence because it is my development machine so I can say that its a machine I don't even use for browsing the web .
But I believe you when you say that intellij had nothing to do with it . Thanks for being such a responsive person.