Where can I change the color scheme of Terminal?
I'm using bash as integrated terminal and some directory color schemes are very hard to read.
Where can I change this?
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Please check https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-191894#focus=streamItem-27-2867039-0-0.
Hmm...It seems there's no way to match the color scheme of WSL bash and IDEA terminal.
Thank you Serge Baranov. :) Your answer resolves no issue. :)

Using windows 10 with WSL. As a terminal in intellij idea configured:
Same issue here:
Is the issue reproducible for you in the [latest version 2022.2.1](https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/) of IntelliJ IDEA?
Does the Ubuntu terminal have default colors if you launch it outside of the IDE?
Do you have this problem if you set the terminal to be cmd or Powershell?
This question is a good question. Because you are right, if I do the same 'ls' command from just ubuntu termianl (outside of ide) - then I have almost the same results. Just color schema in 'pure' ubuntu terminal is more perceptible and looks like this:

So it is not the intellij's idea responsibility, since intellij represents colours exactly as ubuntu terminal would, just with a little difference color scheme as a result of 'theme' that I set for my intellij. Addtitional detail would be - I see such color scheme for folders output on windows partitions. Just see the next screenshot to understand what I mean.
So it looks like I have to google for the solution related specifically to WSL and windows partitions.
Thank you for your attention.
I do not have powershell installed, but I do not have same issue with cmd.
A few hours later....
So the reason for me to see such awful colors for directories was the value of LS_COLORS variable. In particular
this part of LS_COLORS variable was responsible for such view of the folders on windows partitions.
So default LS_COLORS for me looked like this:
I have fixed situation for myself by adding to the end of my ~/.zshrc (since I am zsh user) these two lines:
essentially what I have done is replaced these key:values:
with these key:values:
the '01;34' value was taken from the default 'di' key.

And now my color scheme looks beautiful again:
and from intellij idea terminal it looks like this:

I think this answer should help other people to resolve similar issue.
Indeed, IDE terminal inherits the shell's environment as is, so fixing the problem on the ~/.zshrc level is a solution. Great job nailing it down👍🏻
And thanks for posing the solution. It will most definitely help others.