Running Tests Switches to Output Tab
This is really annoying. I'll be in the Terminal tab in IntelliJ. I'm usually in the terminal tab because I TDD. With Elm unfortunately (crying) IntelliJ does not support running tests in the GUI Test runner so I live in the terminal tab when I code.
But this has to do with really making changes to the code whether it's in tests or prod code. Because I have the watcher running for elm, it reformats my code when I save. That's great but what happens is it also switches to the Output tab every time I save which is super annoying.
See the behavior here, not sure what to change to get this to stop but still be able to run the watcher and keep myself in the tab that's currently focused on which is Terminal
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Are you referring to the file watcher configuration? Did you try to change this setting: ?
thanks that might have done it.