Function not implemented error after use a java driver
Hi I'm trying to connect data grip with pervasive PSQL ver 12.00 in windows 10 64 I got the driver file which is jar I set the right url in the properties
jdbc:pervasive://localhost:1583/ but it doesnt' work I get an error from DataGrip "Function not implemented" please is this a problem on my settings or is something you don't support I have my database on this engine is an engine made in Java is called Pervasive PSQL.
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Could you email me full error log to ?
I'm fairly certain this is because pervasive does not have an up to date driver. I ran into a similar problem attempting to use Hikari CP's connection pools. The driver has a function called isValid used to validate the connection, however, it is not implemented. With Hikari I was able to get around it by providing a configuration that ran a sql query to test connections instead of using isValid. Not sure how to do this on DataGrip or if it's even possible.