PyCharm 2019.1 won't open through Toolbox App
I upgraded to PyCharm Pro 2019.1 from the Toolbox App (OSX Mojave), but when I click on the app nothing happens. Toolbox stays open, and no sign of PyCharm anywhere. Downgrading back to 2018 works OK. I tried upgrading again but still no luck.
I upgraded to WebStorm 2019.1 yesterday, and Goland 2019.1 after I tried PyCharm today and both are fine.
I've not really had the time to investigate but I'm not really getting any visual feedbcak here. I've never had this problem before.
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Pycharm 2019.1 not working here too
Seems like they've bundled jdk 11 but launcher still looking for jdk 1.8*. Try install jdk 1.8
@li343hbka -- your solution worked for me. Specifically, I did the following:
A quick workaround without having to install Java 8 on your Mac, is to download Webstorm or another 2019.1 version then navigate to:
"$HOME/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps"
Go into the 2019.1 app that works by right-clicking on the application and choose "Show Package Contents"
Under contents, copy the jdk folder and replace the jdk folder in the broken PyCharm 2019.1 install.
For me, it was the following location
"$HOME/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps/PyCharm-P/ch-0/191.6183.50/"
Use PyCharm-C for the Community Edition, and ch-0 might be higher if you keep older versions.
Doing it this way may require you to manually update PyCharm on a future update.
Installing java8 hasn't worked for me. I'm going to downgrade and skip this update for now which is annoying because I really want to use the new themes. I don't want to start copying files about if there's a chance it's going to interfere with future updates.
Tried installing PyCharm outside Toolbox and it works, so it does seem to be a problem with the toolbox app.
I'm on MacOS and I don't use Toolbox (I don't even know what that is), and I had the same problem with 2019.1. When launching the application nothing happened. I have reverted back to 2018.3. This seems like a pretty major issue.
John C, I installed it without the Toolbox app and failed working. The Java8 approach works but I need Java11. Jetbrains team, any luck in fixing this?
I switched to previous PyCharm version till you fix current one
Hi Sergiu,
So in your case you cannot launch 2019.1 version at all either from Toolbox or from a desktop entry when using 11 JDK?
How does it go if you switch to JDK 11 from within PyCharm? (double shift --> search for JDK --> Swtich Boot JDK...)
Is there a way to Switch Boot JDK without opening PyCharm?
@John C
you can download jdk8 from JB Bintray, extract it and replace jdk directory inside
Argh sorry - that's exactly what Bob Roebling was suggesting. Damn my goldfish brain!
I'm hoping that Jetbrains will just get a proper fix out quick so I don't have to do anything that might cause subsequent upgrades to fail. They've also broken http request scripts too which is also a bit of a showstopper for me so I'm holding back on 2019 until both things are fixed.
Something I discovered over the weekend is my issue only occurred when my file system was set to "APFS (Case-Sensitive)". Once I reformatted to the default "APFS" type which is case-insensitive, PyCharm started without issues. I did not do enough digging to determine this is the root cause, but may be of consideration as APFS (Case-Sensitive) caused other issues requiring a reformat.
Fails in the newest PyCharm 2019.1.1 also
Could you please check idea.log (Help | Show Log in..) for Improperly specified VM option 'MaxJavaStackTraceDepth=-1' after reproducing the problem?
If it's there, then it seems to be the same problem as
Then you need to try the workaround mentioned in the issue. In case it helps, I will let responsible developers know that the problem is still there.
I couldn't check the log because Logs/PyCharm2019.1 folder was not even created. But I did try the workaround and now 2019.1.1 starts and works fine. Thanks!
May I ask you to clarify which Toolbox version you use?
The MaxJavaStackTraceDepth fix describe in the above youtrack issue worked for me.
Could you please also attach your Toolbox log file to
If someone else have problem with launching PyCharm 2019.1.1 on Case-Sensitive APFS (Error like "Java 1.8 or later is required.") it could be fixed it by renaming info.plist file.
Also there is a problem when you installed Oracle Java to launch PyCharm and it constantly showing the massage like "Please consider switching to the bundled java runtime". After you switched to bundled runtime nothing has happened - it still uses installed java and showing same message. I believe renaming info.plist should help with it too.
This error happens to me as well, I am using:
No error messages on my end, just opening and closing very fast, with no UI activity (only the dock icon showing briefly, or sometimes not even that). Did not have time yet to try the suggestions above.