Idea Ultimate 2019.2 very slow and extremely resource hog



I have recently upgraded to 2019.2. Following is the observation:

I run the software on Mac OS (10.14.6)

  1. CPU %: 350-980
  2. Maven support has become extremely slow. Adding a dependency is a painful exercise now. It takes forever to resolve it even though its a local module in the same parent pom.
  3. Typing any code in the editor has lots of pauses with background tasks continuously running.
  4. Maven dependency addition previously use to auto-populate groupId when an artifactId is typed (auto-complete). Now if you try it then it just hangs for some time and then fails to complete it. 

I have uninstalled/disabled all un-necessary plugins.

In another post i have also updated the VM Options and added the following:


This does not help.

What do you see in Help | Activity Monitor while the issue is being reproduced?

Permanently deleted user

I'm having the same issues. Especially the inspections don't seem to finish. My Activity Monitor shows the following.

%CPU Subsystem

55,2 Plugin Java: psi.impl.compiled (in com.intellij)
28,5 Plugin Java: psi.impl (in com.intellij)
19,4 Plugin Java: psi.impl.source (in com.intellij)
19,1 progress (in com.intellij.openapi)
16,5 Plugin Java: psi (in com.intellij)
15,3 psi.impl.source.resolve (in com.intellij)
15,1 Plugin Java: psi.util (in com.intellij)
13,3 components (in com.intellij.openapi)


@Jonas Meffle

The issue seems to be different. 

Please try taking CPU snapshots when the issue occurs ( and provide them along with your log folder zipped (Help | Compress logs and show in Finder)

Permanently deleted user

It happens to me all the time when I do search or autocomplete. Output of Activity Monitor:

%CPU Subsystem

296.3 <Process total CPU usage>
116.5 vfs.newvfs.impl (in com.intellij.openapi)
106.5 <unidentified: SE-SearchTask>


MacOS 10.13.6

java version "1.8.0_202"


Permanently deleted user

I'm facing same issue, any update on this?


Your issue is probably different, please report as described one comment above yours.


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