Idea Ultimate 2019.2 very slow and extremely resource hog
I have recently upgraded to 2019.2. Following is the observation:
I run the software on Mac OS (10.14.6)
- CPU %: 350-980
- Maven support has become extremely slow. Adding a dependency is a painful exercise now. It takes forever to resolve it even though its a local module in the same parent pom.
- Typing any code in the editor has lots of pauses with background tasks continuously running.
- Maven dependency addition previously use to auto-populate groupId when an artifactId is typed (auto-complete). Now if you try it then it just hangs for some time and then fails to complete it.
I have uninstalled/disabled all un-necessary plugins.
In another post i have also updated the VM Options and added the following:
This does not help.
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What do you see in Help | Activity Monitor while the issue is being reproduced?
I'm having the same issues. Especially the inspections don't seem to finish. My Activity Monitor shows the following.
%CPU Subsystem
55,2 Plugin Java: psi.impl.compiled (in com.intellij)
28,5 Plugin Java: psi.impl (in com.intellij)
19,4 Plugin Java: psi.impl.source (in com.intellij)
19,1 progress (in com.intellij.openapi)
16,5 Plugin Java: psi (in com.intellij)
15,3 psi.impl.source.resolve (in com.intellij)
15,1 Plugin Java: psi.util (in com.intellij)
13,3 components (in com.intellij.openapi)
@Jonas Meffle
The issue seems to be different.
Please try taking CPU snapshots when the issue occurs ( and provide them along with your log folder zipped (Help | Compress logs and show in Finder)
It happens to me all the time when I do search or autocomplete. Output of Activity Monitor:
%CPU Subsystem
296.3 <Process total CPU usage>
116.5 vfs.newvfs.impl (in com.intellij.openapi)
106.5 <unidentified: SE-SearchTask>
MacOS 10.13.6
java version "1.8.0_202"
Please report at with the CPU snapshot attached (
I'm facing same issue, any update on this?
Your issue is probably different, please report as described one comment above yours.