Project/Project Files won't display dist/target folders


It seems all my projects ignore my dist folders after building.  Dist is not in .gitignore, it's not an ignored module in Project Setting (in fact that's the only place it shows up)s, I've synchronized several times and it's 100% on disk, but IntelliJ just refuses to display it.  Very frustrating, any help appreciated.


Is it marked as Excluded?

.ignore plug-in may hide folders: .

There is also an option to Show/Hide Excluded files:


I'm having this problem. Besides that, Serge Baranov , Your drop down isn't obvious to me as to how to get it to appear. Probably a settings location or a right click on something or a click on one of the menu options at the top or on some pane.


Lee Meador You click on the gear icon in the project view to configure these options.

With the new UI, it's the 3 vertical dots button, Appearance menu:



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