Unable to save settings: Failed to save settings. Please restart PyCharm


Hi all,


I have a problem with loading a pycharm project on my linux machine.

When I open pycharm to choose a folder as project I get this message:

1:59 PM Load Settings
Cannot load settings from file '/labhome/yanivshe/.config/JetBrains/PyCharmCE2020.1/options/ide.general.xml': content truncated
File content will be recreated

1:59 PM Load Settings
Cannot load settings from file '/labhome/yanivshe/.config/JetBrains/PyCharmCE2020.1/options/recentProjects.xml': content truncated
File content will be recreated

1:59 PM Load Settings
Cannot load settings from file '/labhome/yanivshe/.config/JetBrains/PyCharmCE2020.1/options/textmate_os.xml': content truncated
File content will be recreated

I'm using PyCharm 2020.1.4 Community Edition.

I installed it using the JetBrains ToolBox.





Looks like project configuration files are corrupted. Please try re-create project configuration via File | New | Project From Existing Sources action.


I tried to re-create a project from folder.

This is when I got the error mentioned above.


Please try to delete IDE settings (manually only some files from /labhome/yanivshe/.config/JetBrains/PyCharmCE2020.1/options/ directory or using File | Manage Settings | 'Restore Default Settings...' action). This will reset all settings to default. But they will be re-created on IDE restart which should fix the problem.

Please also attach all IDE logs to check for possible exceptions (you can use https://uploads.jetbrains.com/ for upload).


I also started to have this issue, Especially after enable the check box from DJango integration to not use the default test runner.


Hello Christoferbertonha

Please upload your logs folder zipped from ***Help | Collect logs and Diagnostic Data***   to the FTP

https://uploads.jetbrains.com/ and please let me know the filename. 


I am also wondering if you have tried to start the  IDE with default settings by renaming config folder(https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/directories-used-by-the-ide-to-store-settings-caches-plugins-and-logs.html)


Antonina Belianskaya I discovered what happened, When I was using docker over WSL and the project was on ubuntu filesystem. The docker changed the owner of the folder `.idea` to root. And that was not allowing to save anything from the windows perspective over WSL.

changing the folder back to my user been ower fixed the issue.

chown -r <user>.<user> .idea


Thanks Chris, save my day.

I'm using WSL only (no docker). And I was facing the same error. Changing permissions fixed the problem.


I have same problem but I cant untedstand how to fix that. I see in settings - docker - tools "cannot run program: docker machine, CreateProcessor error = 2"

Also I strangely could choose anaconda's file for docker https://pastenow.ru/BFT0Lhttps://pastenow.ru/BFSSJ 

But now I  see a new arror "create processor error = 193,1% is not win32 app". How is that possible if all my programs are for 64??

If I write a way to Pycharm's docker I see this error https://pastenow.ru/BFT52 

Can you please show me where can I find this insane docker file?


Novell Novell Dorety

First of all, do you actually have Docker installed?
PyCharm searches standard docker locations to find docker, docker-machine and docker-compose executables.


This error will also occur if the hard drive the project files are stored on has no more free space.


In my case (Windows 10) I actually found the reason in the log file:

[2]: java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: C:\Program Files (x86)\LilyPond\.idea
    at java.base/sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.translateToIOException(WindowsException.java:89)
    at java.base/sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.rethrowAsIOException(WindowsException.java:103)
    at java.base/sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.rethrowAsIOException(WindowsException.java:108)
    at java.base/sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileSystemProvider.createDirectory(WindowsFileSystemProvider.java:510)
    at java.base/java.nio.file.Files.createDirectory(Files.java:690)
    at com.intellij.openapi.util.io.NioFiles.tryCreateDirectory(NioFiles.java:69)

So obviously restarting PyCharm won't help (which I did a couple of times, before coming to this thread). I'm going to move my LilyPond files to some other location.



My issue was similar, however I had no .idea folder to change permissions of. This was caused by me cloning the repo as root user then trying to set it up in Pycharm as non-root. I deleted the folder and re-cloned it as non-root. This fixed the issue.


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