On IntelliJ IDEA startup warning shows: "Early Access Java versions may cause compatibility issues. Use a stable release version.'


I have been seeing this message for a while now. I am not sure but probably from early this year onward. However, everything works find and so I haben't had any pain and I have not ignored it so far. Now I want to solve it.

I did see the other posting https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360007064660-On-startup-IDEA-shows-Please-consider-switching-to-the-bundled-Java-runtime-that-is-better-suited-for-the-IDE-?input_string=On%20IntelliJ%20IDEA%20startup%20warning%20shows%3A%20%22Early%20Access%20Java%20versions%20may%20cause%20compatibility%20issues.%20Use%20a%20stable%20release%20version.%27.

But I was not able to exploit it effectively. So, I could use some advise. Do I have a similar problem here? In that posting Michael Bannister eventually solved it by removing the setting "JVMVersion=1.8* in the file ' ~/Library/Preferences/IntelliJIdea2019.3/idea.properties'. But I couldn't find such file. 

I am running this:


Hi Roland,

Do you have the Choose Runtime plugin installed? Did you try choosing any other runtime using it?


Hi Arina. Yes, I have the choose runtime plugin installed and I think I did chose a different runtime. I did so a couple of months ago to solve some problem with the Scene Builder. I think I should probably go back to the JetBrains runtime. May be, that any problem I had back then has gone by now through intermediate updates anyway.

I used the 'Use Default' button. That did reset the runtime obviously. The warning is gone now.
It appears that this also reset many other settings, but that's not a big problem. May I can restore them from some saved settings file.

Problem is now: the error with scene builder came back:

So, which runtime version should I use that solves the scene builder problem AND does not lead to that warning?


I Changed the runtime:





Thanks for the details Roland. The issue looks similar to IDEA-247024.

As a workaround, try to install the JavaFX Runtime for Plugins plugin from the Marketplace and restart the IDE.

Please also attach your idea.log (Help | Show Log in Explorer) collected after reproducing the issue.


Hi. I did install that plugin. The error is still there but this time with a different hint.

I have uploaded the logfile with ID "2020_09_01_9oCSbtpwfnMYyE4F" 


I should also mention that I am regulary using JavaFX already. May be there is a conflict with the JavaFX libraries I am using.


It is possible. One of the users with a similar problem (IDEA-248779) resolved the issue by "removing all openjfx packages from my local maven repository and reinstalling the SceneBuilder Plugin / downloading JavaFX".

Also, what if you download the SceneBuilder Kit as suggested by IDEA?

If it doesn't help, I'll submit a bug for you.



It works now, but I am not sure if this is how it is supposed to work. 

I have set up a new project from the scratch (see Upload ID: 2020_09_02_GKzSgd24sf7tPqMr (file: testSceneBuilder 2020-09-02.zip)). 
Both plugins are installed and enabled: "JavaFX Runtime for Plugins" and "JavaFX".
I use as Project SDK 'Kotlin SDK 1.4.0' (is that the default?).
I use as module SDK 'C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_141'. With Module SDK = Project SDK it does not work: it can't find the JavaFX stuff.

The error message about the scene builder went away by simply following the link 'Download Scene Builder Kit'. There is also no warning about the Java Version anymore.

Is all this how it is supposed to be? Or shouldn't it work without use of the C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_141 ? 


Thank you for the information Roland. I will reconfirm this internally and get back to you.

Could you please also upload the idea.log file (Help | Show Log in Explorer) that captures the time frame when the error occurred?


I have uploaded the log file with Upload ID: 2020_09_03_NR95tBeMcg9sdK61 (file: idea log 2020-09-03.zip) . That's all events before today 2020-09-04 05:00 AM.

Now I reproduce the problem again:

- I change the Module SDK to 'Kotlin SKD 1.4.0'
- I see the error message:

Obviously the previously used Module SDK '1.8 java version 1.8.0_144' does contain a JavaFX library.

Now I add the JavaFX library to the classpath. I downloaded the javaFX JARs from https://gluonhq.com/products/javafx/ in version 14.0.2..1 of the JavaFX Windows x64 SDK.

That caused now total havoc when compiling the code ( i have tons of errors).Error message in the Build Output windows is:

Kotlin: Cannot access 'java.lang.Object' which is a supertype of 'org.jocl.CL'. Check your module classpath for missing or conflicting dependencies.

Example errors in the code:

Apparently I have now various conflicts in the libraries used or something. 

Dependencies are as follows:


I have uploaded a full zip of the entire project in that state under Upload ID: 2020_09_03_JQjuLcApaciFkMk4 (file: testSceneBuilder 2020-09-03 0515.zip) and the log file again under Upload ID: 2020_09_03_6W8hVDTa2v77tQCu (file: idea log 2020-09-03 0518..zip) .




Roland, I confirmed that a JavaFX project needs to be set up with Java as its main (Project and Module) SDK. KotlinJavaRuntime library should be enough to power up Kotlin for your code.

I was able to run your project successfully with the following settings using this help page as a guide (VM options were not necessary):

>Obviously the previously used Module SDK '1.8 java version 1.8.0_144' does contain a JavaFX library

You are correct. JavaFX is no longer a part of the JDK starting from JDK 11, and an additional library dependency is needed if you want to use Java 11. If you use Java 8 as your module's SDK, you don't have to add the JavaFX lib separately as it is already included in the JDK itself.


Thanks, Arina

We can consider this closed. There is no problem with the scene builder or that "early access Java version..." warning anymore and I understand the logic now. I checked various combinations for the Project SDK and the Module SDK including the one you suggest above (JDK 11 + javafx-sdk-11.02). Everything works fine now.

I would like to express a compliment for you folks at JetBrains. It's great working with IntelliJ IDEA, I LOVE Kotlin and the support that you provide is fantastic. Forward this to whom it concerns and they can quote me.


Thank you for your kind words Roland. I will make sure to share them with the team.


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