CLION2020 is too slow!


rename thing have to wait for many seconds, syntax highlights have to wait for many seconds


There are many reasons for this I have found.  A lot of them have to do with the size of your project.  How many global variables, global use includes, directories, etc.  Also the speed of your machine is very important.  If you mix C and C++ and use cmake can also impact (positive and negative) your performance. 

It takes 20 minutes for my project to load symbols from scratch and then when I switch branches it may sometimes take another 5 minutes.  Searching references can become insane and I stopped looking specific search items like the places this function is called.  The overall Search feature always works and works well so I use that.  

Look up setting the memory sizes as I have set mine to 16 gig.  Clang-tidy is amazing but it eats up memory as well.

Clion locks up on me when I do a full inspection of any C++ code (C code is fine).  I can run individual inspections but full inspection just goes endless.  

That said, Clion is still better than the others out there by a large margin in my opinion.  Its why I still fight for it.   Now if I can only get 2020.3 to work as the upgrade fails to launch any GUI for me.  



Chris Litchfield could you please share the details about the update problem via email (clion-support at


Hxpax please update CLion to 2020.3 and try using it. If it doesn't help, please send us (email: clion-support at automatically generated thread dumps if you have them in the logs folder (Help | Show Log in …) or, if there are no dumps, please capture a CPU snapshot and send it to us.


Anna Falevskaya I already sent in an email.  I am back to running 2020.2.5 without issue (as far as running). 


Chris Litchfield I see your request now, thanks. Will answer you shortly.


Anna Falevskaya On Windows 10, After updated to 2020.3, CLion does not work any more. The lanucher and the exe could not start the application up, or they started it , but somehow crashed I guess. I tried many times, even restarted my computer, still I could not launch it till I post  this post here.

BTW, 2020.2 is slow on all my platforms (Mac/Windows/Linux Mint). Don't know how it becomes like this, it was fast for last years.


Hxpax use the "CMake simple highlighter" plugin in CLion?


Hxpax There was an issue with this plugin in CLion 2020.3 - You need to disable the plugin or to update it to 203.0.2 version which contains the fix.


As for me, CLion2020.2 works more or less (and what soft totally hasn't bugs and problems with speed?). But on the whole, I prefer QtCreator


Anna Falevskaya Anna Falevskaya OK, but the long time waiting for even very light operation still exists. I checked a version from 2019 and it works fine. Basicly It feels so bad to have to waite for light actions like 'jump to the definition'(or g+d of IdeaVim), renaming, and so on.


Hxpax as I said before:

If it doesn't help, please send us (email: clion-support at automatically generated thread dumps if you have them in the logs folder (Help | Show Log in …) or, if there are no dumps, please capture a CPU snapshot and send it to us.


CLion is a fantastic product, but CLion 2020.3 is extremely slow and in principle impossible to use due to performance regression.

I am using an X server on Windows, and using putty with X tunneling.

Using CLion 2020.1 is perfectly fine.


Hi @pback!

Unfortunately, we have a performance regression in CLion 2020.3.* in case of X Server connection: Please comment or upvote the issue in order to get updates. See if you are not familiar with YouTrack.

You can try setting -Dsun.java2d.pmoffscreen=false or -Dsun.java2d.xrender=false in Help | Edit Custom VM Options as suggested in the comments, it might help.

Sorry for the inconvenience.



I use VNC through ssh tunnelling (using putty to setup) to a VNC Server using X.  I find that the Java performance for Clion is not a problem for the X interaction through VNC.  The multiple threads with our large codebase provides way more performance problems for the Java based product.


Its also why the default binding to the BACK key should not be the default to VNC Viewers activation keys.  Have to rebind that key.




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