Gutter Icons not showing uo


I am running Ultimate 2021.1.3 on Ubuntu 21.04.   The gutter icons do not show up.  I went to Settings->Editor->General->Gutter Icons.  "Show Gutter Icons" is checked.  I tried unchecking, Apply-ing, checking again, Apply-ing again, and nothing changes.  I see the gutter icons just fine on my MacOS version.  Any help would be appreciated. 


Thank you


This has been solved.  I noticed that files i did not see the icons in also had a red dot in the file table with the pop hint saying "Java class located out of the source root".  I looked up what that meant, and then realized that was the issue.  Once i set my folders to be source folders, it worked as expected.


Just as a hint for solving similar problems – some gutter icons are contextual. For example, the devcontainers beta plugin only shows a gutter icon in devcontainer.json if it is in a folder called `.devcontainer` at the very root of the project, so it doesn't show up if your project folder is the parent of several other projects.


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