.env file support missing on 2021.2


I just updated my IDE to 2021.2 version and the support for .env files has gone in my run configurations. Looking for plugins I try to install and receive an error. When I try to run the older version, all my "Run", "Debug"... controls are gone. I'm stuck at work because of this.


That's why I pay 1% of my sallary every month to jetbrains, for me download and build a plugin manually. Seems nice!


You can install the fixed snapshot plug-in build from https://github.com/ashald/EnvFile/issues/140#issuecomment-883210881. Use the install from disk option.

Part of your payment is for getting support within minutes, other vendors would take weeks to respond even for the basic problems.


This thread has 10 years: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/PY-5543 and we still don't have .env files support native on the IDE.


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