unable to open or create a project, is it just me?
I'm on Linux and the new splash-screen doesn't allow me to do much more then start the "tour".
Is this a bug or a feature... Probably I am missing something.
I would like to just open an existing project (recent project), where do I click?
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First of all please make sure the Linux distribution is supported by the IDE https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/quick-start-guide.html#which-platform, especially the desktop environment.
Please upload your logs folder zipped from ***Help | Collect logs and Diagnostic Data*** to the FTP
https://uploads.jetbrains.com/ and please let me know the filename.
I am running Kubuntu so I don't think my distro should be a problem.
Other then the splashscreen pycharm works correctly, so do other applications in your suite.
I created the diagnostics as you asked, after I restarted pycharm but didn't got the splash-screen anymore.
Guess thats because it has recent projects now or something.
Ok, hope it helps!
Upload id: 2021_12_07_XSXvYZzZKtSvS6Wg (file: pycharm-logs-20211207-03245211639899582801089999.zip)
Could you please try to clean folders used to store settings/configs (https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/206544519) and run IDE with defaults?
I removed the hole ~/.config/Jetbrians/PyCharm2021.3 directory, yet it still doesn't show me the loader anymore.
Also I updated CLion and now when I right-click to create a new file... It doesn't allow my to create any c++ files (no .h, no .cpp and not both together) ... could this be related?
Did you update CLion from 2021.2 to 2021.3? How did you install IDE?