system Environment variables in run/debug configuration


IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2.3 (Ultimate Edition)
Build #IU-222.4345.14, built on October 5, 2022

In the run/debug configuration, I've checked the "Include system environment variables" from the Environment Variables popup windows, it does show some variables there. However any exported variables .zshrc file is not included here. What else do I need to setup in order for those exported variables .zshrc file to be included here?

I recall it worked before, not sure if this is changed in the latest version?



Start IntelliJ IDEA from the terminal where these variables are available, see

IntelliJ IDEA inherits environment variables from the parent process as any other app would normally do. It looks like the parent process that starts IntelliJ IDEA on your system has no access to the environment variables that you set in .zshrc file.


This works. Thanks.


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