Configuring log level in idea.log
Hello, I working on plugin project for android studio and I need to change the log level in idea.log from INFO to DEBUG for more details, i have tried change the file log.xml but I can access to the file on reading mode only and I couldn't change it, so is there an other way to configure log level in idea.log ?
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How can I enable DEBUG level for all categories using "Custom Debug Log Configuration" ?
It is not supported. You have to provide specific log categories.
I tried to provide some specific log categories but I didn't get any result, Maybe I did something wrong or there is something messing, correct me please if it is the case.
Try using the full name, e.g.:
.I didn't work
What do you mean that it didn't work?
What did you expect to see in logs, and what steps did you take to invoke the underlying code?
I want to change the logging level of category "org.jetbrains.plugins.gradle.Gradle Manager" from INFO to DEBUG, but it stays at INFO level.
GradlaManager doesn't log anything on DEBUG level, so you won't see anything. These are usages of the GradleManager.LOG logger:
As you can see, there is only one "info" and "warn" logged.
I am very thankful to you, that helped me a lot. I have an other question though, does android studio capture all changes made to the development environment ? Are those informations saved in idea.log or an other log file ?
I've got information that only validation is logged, and changes to the environment configuration are not.
If you need it for development purposes and seeing it in the console is enough, I suggest using printing breakpoints:
For me it doesn't work well as well.
I've set:
but still gets plenty of unwanted lines in log like:
2023-05-03 18:59:15,347 [2402081] FINER - sun.awt.AWTThreading - notifyEventDispatchThreadFree
2023-05-03 18:59:15,357 [2402091] FINER - sun.awt.AWTThreading - notifyEventDispatchThreadBusy
2023-05-03 18:59:15,357 [2402091] FINEST - java.awt.event.EventDispatchThread - Dispatching: java.awt.event.InvocationEvent[INVOCATION_DEFAULT,runnable=javax.swing.Timer$DoPostEvent@1c9f976,notifier=null,catchExceptions=false,when=1683129555357] on sun.awt.X11.XToolkit@582e00b3
2023-05-03 18:59:15,358 [2402092] FINEST - java.awt.event.EventDispatchThread - Dispatching: java.awt.event.InvocationEvent[INVOCATION_DEFAULT,runnable=javax.swing.Timer$DoPostEvent@3098e81,notifier=null,catchExceptions=false,when=1683129555357] on sun.awt.X11.XToolkit@582e00b3
2023-05-03 18:59:15,358 [2402092] FINER - sun.awt.AWTThreading - notifyEventDispatchThreadFree
It allows controlling categories of IntelliJ Platform loggers. As mentioned in the configuration dialog, it supports: debug, trace, and all. There is no warn.
The logs you posted don't look like IntelliJ platform log messages. Did you get them in the idea.log file?