Alessandro Vernet
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Alessandro Vernet created a post, Way to tell IntelliJ about custom XPath functions?
Is there a way to tell IntelliJ about custom XPath functions, so:1. it doesn't "complain" about the function being unknown2. it provides code completion, shows the signature, etc when editing the X... -
Alessandro Vernet created a post, Support for type annotations in CoffeeScript
Does the CoffeeScript plugin support any sort of type annotation (JsDoc, or otherwise), as the JavaScript plugin does? I tried adding JsDoc-like annotations, but they didn't seem to have any influe... -
Alessandro Vernet created a post, Support for type annotations in CoffeeScript
Does the CoffeeScript plugin support any sort of type annotation (JsDoc, or otherwise), as the JavaScript plugin does? I tried adding JsDoc-like annotations, but they didn't seem to have any influe... -
Alessandro Vernet created a post, Is LiveEdit working with Leda EAP?
I installed the LiveEdit plugin on 122.395, but after doing so don't see any new extension added to Google Chrome, which, I guess, is a show stopper for LiveEdit to work. Is LiveEdit expected to wo... -
Alessandro Vernet created a post, CoffeeScript script type="text/coffeescript"
Is there a way to setup IntelliJ so it would recognize CoffeeScript inside a <script type="text/coffeescript">, in HTML files? Right now it seems to parse the content of that element as JavaScript?... -
Alessandro Vernet created a post, Answered"Cannot resolve symbol …" for all the Java classes
I just switched to the LEDA EAP (122.264), with a project having a mix of Java and Scala code. The project compile fine, but: In the editor, in both Java and Scala file, any reference to a Java cla... -
Alessandro Vernet created a post, XML: Allowing dashes in words
It seems that IntelliJ has a notion of what characters are used as word separators, and this has a impact on things like "Select Word at Caret", selecting text word-by-word with the keyboard, or do... -
Alessandro Vernet created a post, JSDoc support
Is there a list somewhere of what JSDoc subset, superset, or mix of the two IntelliJ supports?My motivation for using JSDoc is two-fold:1. For developers: so IntelliJ can provide better code-comple... -
Alessandro Vernet created a post, IntelliJ JavaScript debugger: logging to the console
Does the IntelliJ JavaScript debugger expose an object that can be used to log information to the IntelliJ console? (E.g. like Firebug, and other JavaScript debugger do.)Alex -
Alessandro Vernet created a post, Find usages: make search in current file the default?
Hi all,I often use the "Find usages" in JavaScript files, and in general, only want to search in the current file. Now, every time I do a "Find usages", I go to the drop-down and select "Current fi...