5 day old AI Pro subscription: You have reached the monthly fair use volume of JetBrains AI.


Pycharm PyCharm 2023.3 (Professional Edition)
Build #PY-233.11799.259, built on December 3, 2023

Windows 11
I just paid for an AI Pro subscription last week.  I use AI Assistant quite a bit as it is super helpful.  I used the pre-release version for months with no real limitations, except length of a single chat was limited.

Now 5 days into it I get this:
“You have reached the monthly fair use volume of JetBrains AI. If you need to allocate some extra volume, please contact our support team.  <link>”

I did go to Help → Register and made sure my purchased license is activated.

I also submitted a help request about 6 hours ago, but no response yet and AI Assistant still not working.

Wondering if this is a bug -or- my monthly subscription only buys 4 days of usage.


Since we are using different providers and models, it is not easy to present quotas. Many factors affect the usage calculation of tokens during the chat session. It depends mostly on the complexity of the interactions and the current context size. As described in the related YT issue: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/LLM-1587, sending all prompts in the same chat instance results in exponential growth of the context being sent to the LLM.

Usage limits are being reset every week. Though, there is an issue regarding incorrect timeframe ('monthly fair use') shown in the notification. The fix for the notification is planned for the next 2023.3.2 release.

General UX is also being improved to help mitigate the issue and reduce the context size growth. If you do encounter the 'quota limit reached' notification, please contact support and we will extend the quota usage for you.

We have replied on your support request filed earlier. Thanks!


Same for me. I paid for the assistant 5 days ago and the same message just appeared in the chat. I have not do a massive use, a few hours in trhee days, and it was being of great help for his recommendations offered in the two IDEs that I use. 

I think it make no sense to use a tool with this restriction, I have had to stop my workflow to contact and I do not know what will response time be. I have provided my account details in the request.


This just happened to me during refactor suggestions!
Now perhaps I would understand if this was some sort of daily limit but to say you have reached the monthly fair use is ridiculous for a paid plan activated 10th Dec so only 3 days ago 😵‍💫

Additionally I use this with WebStorm and PhpStorm.
However there was no mention of restrictions to how many Jetbrains applications this can be use with.


Same issue, I was directed to this thread by support. Getting this message after a couple of days of normal usage on a monthly subscription is ridiculous: You have reached the monthly fair use volume of JetBrains AI. If you need to allocate some extra volume, please contact our support team. This is something that should have been solved in 1 hour. I'm back to VS 2022 and Github CopilotX. I was evaluating Rider and the AI plugin, and I regret to say that this unpleasant experience has discouraged me from continuing to use these products. Hopefully that's just a bug or an oversight (and not how it's intended to work as a product) and it will be fixed soon for people that encounter this error. And importantly, if there are usage limits, you need to clearly state what they are so that people paying for this service know about it beforehand.


same 4 me only 3 days , ridiculous , can anyone tell me what is happening ?


Ive had it 1 day and been comparing it with openAi not even 12 hours and I have a monthly fair use volume? Please answer is this a bug? If not I think refunds are in order.


Three updates on this:
1) There is an open ticket for this here.  We are not alone:  https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/LLM-1587

2) I too submitted ‘this form’ to request additional volume…no response…I suspect they are swamped with issues related to this and or the new release.  What is the point of this form, if they aren't going to actually do anything with request.

3) Since yesterday, I see this message:  “It will be restored with in 0 days”.  I guess my 0 days haven't yet elapsed.

Pycharm is a terrific tool as was AI Assistant.  I will repost here when mine works again (in 0 days)!




As promised:  It seems my AI Assistant "It will be restored in 0 days" time has arrived and it is functioning again for me. I would run a test chat to confirm, but don't want to waste one.  Good luck.


How many days have you waited for this? My AI Assistant follow without working and Jetbrains did not answer to me. It let to work one day ago.



I got the same message, and requested a limit increase. About 3 hours later, it now allows me to use the AI Assistant again, though I didn't get an email reply saying so…


Mm… then I will contact again.

Thank you so much!


Sara G:  I lost access on Monday.  Access was restored today, so about 2 days and 4 hours with no access.


I got this just a few hours after buying it!  First I was enjoying having an exploratory dialogue with it about different tech nonsense, then exploring a language I don't know well.  

What exactly did I pay for?  That's not rhetorical: what did I pay for?  A number of queries?  A number of compute cycles corresponding to how complex my questions are?  

A lot of my queries were repeats because it kept delivering partial answers and disconnecting, so I needed a lot of “continue” or “go on” to see everything.  Did that count against me?

I also would frequently start over a whole thought process from the beginning ("Okay.  Create a linked list (again).  Add a method named…") because I found I'd get better results if I asked the right questions in the right order.   So trial and error to get the tool to work well for me is bad?

Some of my “queries” weren't even queries, but telling it what it did wrong: “Pointer may be null in RemoveAt.”   “You're correct … here is the corrected RemoveAt function”.  Do I use up part of my access by interactively fixing its mistakes?

If there is a hard limit (and I feel like there shouldn't be), can we at least get some periodic notice from the thing that says “you have used n% of your monthly limit” so I know to go back to web searches instead of learning from the assistant?

The free trial sold me, but it looks like I'll never get my money's worth if it's this restrictive.


Just got this answer from support (thanks!):

"Limits are reset weekly. I just increased the limit for your account, so you are able to continue using AI Assistant. 
Rider trial should be unrelated to the issue though. "

And here's my reply:

Thanks. I will continue my evaluation of the AI assistant and Rider. But here's some feedback: in comparison to Github CopilotX, Jetbrain's AI assistant seems to be much more restrictive in terms of usage. Copilot is even encouraging users in the chat to explore other subjects related to the chat queries, so I guess they don't have a hard limit like this AI assistant has. There needs to be some transparency about the limits (not just some vague “fair use” message, something much more precise, and to be honest, if there are such limitations, then there's no way this product can compete with what Copilot is currently offering and also for 10 dollar a month (same price but much higher value), at this current price point and with such limitations, it's not even an option that most people will consider.





Hi! we have the answer , im one of 0.01% :) , probably the main reason is use the same chat for different cuestions…. i think . 


Sometimes though, we see that users are chatting in the same chat for every new question, which results in a context growing and could cause abnormal usage detection mechanisms to be triggered. We are analyzing how this UX aspect can be improved. ….



I am having the same issue. This tools is just not ready for prime time. You are better off just running your own.  It becomes completely useless. Plus it does not work as well as it use to. Now it ignores what I pasted into the window and goes off talking about stuff I did not ask for. 


Add me to the list. Midnight at the weekend. Compared to weekdays there is likely next to no one using it and I get abruptly cut off. 

“You have reached the monthly fair use volume of JetBrains AI. If you need to allocate some extra volume, please contact our support team. Contact support”

I have 25 days left on this months subscription!! I have requested the extra volume but this is not the way to do things cause who knows how long it will take to get the service back. Back to free ChatGPT in the meantime.

Jetbrains are keen to stress all the useful things you can use it to but it seems they don't want really using it for all those things.

Only reason I can see for temporary throttling of the AI is at peak hours. Otherwise it shouldn't be limited like this.


I don't understand this.
“According to our predictions and statistics after launch, less than 0,01% of users hit the limit. So, we believe they are correctly configured”
Nevermind that it is less than a month for what the message says is a monthly limit, if it is that small then why is it being limited at all. I mean what real difference can that 0.01%? 

Needs a complete rethink on usage, and clear messaging and warning of it.  A monthly subscription being reduced to a 5 day subscription and then having to beg for more is not a good user experience or value. 
Yes, I am a bit upset. I was in the middle of a productive late night session.



This is certainly frustrating and although they have resolved my issue for now. 
I am nervous to continue using this service. I am sharing this with everyone here as I did not get a response from the team about my suggestions. 

It's a great service and I believe this can certainly replace ChatGPT once they sort these usage issues out.


Thank you for resetting my limit.

However I would like some additional information on the fair usage policy as I was not aware of this at the time of purchase.

I assumed this would be more like ChatGPT and paying monthly should not limit our chat interactions.

You mentioned the limit is something to do with extending each chat?
To be honest if I need support for example with code in a class.

It's most likely that many users will continue to use the same chat as the answers retuned are not always correct or we require further assistance with the context provided.

If you could provide me with more detailed information regarding this fair usage policy. Furthermore I would like to take this opportunity to suggest the following recommendations to your team.


  • Regarding the fair usage policy, it would be great if a counter could be displayed to give us a visual representation of how many tokens are left for each chat. Additionally, we would like to know if switching to a new chat would reset the counter. As you mentioned this is the issue causing the context to grow.
  • Additionally, it would be helpful if we were prompted to initiate a new chat when asking a question that is not relevant to the current context provided, similar to how the AI tool prompts users to open a new chat when asking for an explanation for a specific section of code.
  • When a request is made to change a part of the code, it is expected that the AI will only refactor the requested section of the code, which in this case consists of 20 lines. However, the current behaviour of the AI is that it sometimes repeats the entire file, which I'm certain contributes to the issue of context growth.
  • Finally it would be worth considering an alternative of introducing a daily usage limit, rather than the current monthly fair usage policy, as this could enable the service to automatically reactivate on a daily basis, rather than waiting until the end of each month, which to be honest is the current pain point with this new service.

Thanks for considering my feedback.


Same problem! It's a shame that, having been their customer for many years, I trusted them and signed up for 1 year! What happens now?


Fortunately mine seems to have been reset. Not sure whether by support or weekly reset.
I will try to use new chats as often as possible. I wasn't aware of the issue of long chats and I was in one when the limit was hit. 
I think work needs to be done on understanding how users will behave and mitigate the risks. A month subscription should always be available for a month without an arbitrary decision being made that severely impacts the users business/development. 
I wasn't aware that this wasn't your own AI service, I though you would have had more control. It seems that we are all experiencing bespoke front ends to the same background provider. Is this correct?

I have never been cut off during the beta or during any ChatGPT 3.5 free chats. So this is is disconcerting for a paid service.


JetBrains AI services currently use OpenAI as main LLM cloud service provider. You can see the list of service providers and models being used here: https://www.jetbrains.com/legal/docs/terms/jetbrains-ai/service-providers/
It is planned to integrate more providers/models in the future.


I am glad that my service has been restored. Unfortunately I now worry about being cut off again, so I am changing my behaviour ( using more google and ChatGPT ) which is hardly ideal.

Here is my response to the support ticket. I have no complaints about what AI Assistant does but the marketing and the messaging around it is misleading and unclear.

Thankyou for resetting the AI assistant.

Where is your fair usage policy? The link provides next to no clear information about anything  that I should be expected to know, judge or act upon.

Why has there been no up front information, warnings or anything on your high level terms when signing up? You offer a monthly subscription service and then cut me off after 5 days for no clear reason. A monthly subscription should mean a monthly subscription. I shouldn't be at the mercy of support tickets to maintain it.

I am very annoyed because I appear to being blamed here for using your service as offered. You are blaming me for the shortcomings in the implementation and policies.

As  a user, I just see AI chat as a conversation. I have no idea what you are doing behind the scenes and should not be expected to. If there is a problem Jetbrains should be much more pro-active to ensure that services are maintained without cliff-edge sanctions. 

Going forward I will now be much more aware of long chats ( that was likely a cause in my case ) but some warning flags would be useful.

We will see how things go from here but while the assistant is very good the surrounding messaging and use policies aren't.


The same issue. 6 days instead of a month. It seems like a deliberate concealment of information and false advertising. Even trial versions have a usage scale that allows you to assess your limits, but this functionality has been removed in the paid version. Why?


Also, I couldn't find any information about whether the limits differ between monthly and annual subscriptions. Would the recipient of the payment be so kind as to clarify the tariff and the subscription terms in more detail?


Nikolai Vi 

We are working on improving the user experience for AI Pro, to include some information to help the user track his quota usage.

I couldn't find any information about whether the limits differ between monthly and annual subscriptions.

There are no differences in quota limits between the monthly and annual subscriptions. In both cases, the quota has the same limit and is reset every week.


The AI Assistant works another time for me. Now, I use new chats every time that I can do it and I also try to use third-party assistants.

I hope this problem does not happen again because it is very frustrating.

Thank you so much.

