Kubernetes Pod Logs – View Changed and most recent logs clipped


Either an accidental settings change or a software update has “broken” my ability to view pod logs in kubernetes using the IntelliJ Kubernetes plugin.  Logs used to appear in the “Services” section at the bottom, and would continuously stream (like “tail -f”), showing the most recent logs printed.  Now the log opens in the file viewer area, and it instead shows the oldest log entries.  See my attached screenshot.  How do I fix this?

// Thank you



Same for me, how to fix ? or clear the logs to get the latest ? 


I still don't know how to fix.  Workaround for now is to use the CLI to get logs based on the pod name:

kubectl logs -f my-app-12345-abcde

Pretty inconvenient to have to copy-paste the pod name into the CLI though.  


Hello, Hackerman1234, Damien B.. Please try to increase the Maximum log size value in the Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Kubernetes settings window:



Olga Mulina  I swear it was working a few weeks ago.  It would show the bottom X lines (like tail -f <filename>), but now it shows the top X lines.  

Increasing max number of lines isn't sufficient, because no matter how big I make X, I will always find some log that exceeds the memory available.  I need to view the newest entires, not the oldest entries.  


Olga Mulina same for me, I don't want to store the logs of my Kubernetes cluster on my machine, I want to tail the latest logs.

It was working like that with the previous UI with the previous version of the plugin. 


Olga Mulina this is still an issue, has there been any progress on a resolution?


Jake Holland I opened a support request for this and normally it's fixed in 2025.1 EAP  but I don't have yet the time to check it


Damien B. if you get the time could you link to it below. cheers!


Feb 4, 2025 and STILL no resolution to this. This has broken a major part of my workflow. Obviously I can check k8s logs from command line but having this in the ide constantly streaming was really convenient.

To the Jetbrains Dev Team: there are two problems that need addressed here.

  • The logs need to show the LATEST LOGS NOT the EARLIEST LOGS
  • We need to be able to clear the logs from the ide so we can focus on dev work and not have the logs clogging up our view. Sometimes I want a clean slate so I can do some action and see those logs so I'll clear everything else so I can just see the ones I'm looking for. Why this feature was removed from the previous k8s plugin version is mind boggling

Hi, Pvaughn

Did you try 2025.1 EAP version? The IJPL-159791  feature should be implemented there, allowing ordering logs.


Olga Mulina 

Thanks, I'll take a look.

Any idea if we'll be able to clear the logs from the editor again? This used to be possible in the previous version of the plugin.

