Help getting PyCharm and Robot Framework to Run current robot file


I’m new to Pycharm & Robot Framework and everything is working except how to configure the Run command to run my xxx.robot file instead of individual test cases within the robot file.

I have PyCharm setup as follows:

  • F8 is mapped to Run
  • I have the following plugins enabled : Intellibot @SelenimLibrary Patched, Robot Framework Support, RobotPy, Run Robot Framework file, and Run Robot Framework Testcase.

When I press F8,the appwill attempt run the current Testcase but it fails because it's not truly running the robot code. I've also tried configuring an External Tool but I couldn't get that to work. I really want to figure out how to get Run to work.

If you have any suggestions, plz let me know.


PyCharm doesn't support Robot Framework at the moment

Any issues related to that should be reported to plugin vendors.

Permanently deleted user

Sergey Karpov - You CLEARLY have NO IDEA what you're talking about as PyCharm DOES support Robot Framework and we have a working version, as I mentioned in my post! DON'T respond back!


Well, none of those plugins you mentioned are developed by JetBrains which means that it's not supported officially.



can anyone share with me which plugin I can use with PyCharm 2023.3.2 for running robot framework? since that version release the leading plugin “Run Robot Framework Test Case" stopped working.

